Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 18, 2 September 1936 — KAUAI TAX RATE IS SET AT $27.36 [ARTICLE]


Wiiliam C. McGona.gle, t r>t rial treasarer, has set t new re a! pr©periy tax rBte f the c onty of Kauai $27. per $10.0 valuatioii. The .r cwersthe curre.it year and .■Jg i":_accor<3ance with the dec si-m hahded. down by th« suj>-eme court recoot;ly agamst ths c>unty supervisors in a SPit br®ught by tham to up. hoid an increas« in tha budThe new rate comparey \vith tltat of $30.88 set by Ernest K. K.i3, ret?istar of public aoeounts, aud contested hy the lx>ard of . superviso.rs' of Kauai, ' āo iiad i>fevionsly sought to esiju,lisli a rate of f35.1t per thousaud on real pr<iperty. The rate was set to pn.)ducu u total of $349,000 1 iu taies, tiio amounl of budget decreed the supreme courj. -