Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Garry»ug a baby about two bour» flld, M'llie Boston, a colored weman, w&!ked a hospital at Atlanta, <ra. "P)ease sir. wii! you look at tiis baby and see )f it's |all right? ' sne asked an intern. *"The child is all right |Where is the mother?" the physicīan rep!i«d after an examinaiion. *Tm the mama," she answ«red simp!y, "and now I giess I better be gett s ng back to my hoosework. I just wknted to know if ihe baby was all right and Will be heaithy. l'h» astonisbed doetor ssked htrto for an examination bot afierward si-id she seemed quite well snd if she want«d to go back to tkat wgs sffa)r