Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 32, 7 December 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT lllE PALAOE THĒATRE Toūay, 3ast timc "Thc Arkansas Traveler ,, m with Beb Byrns and Faj ,Bamtor, Tomorrow an<l Frulay "Ckrefree* ! with Fred Astaire and Ging*»r Rogers Sat\irclay only 4 'Young Dr. Kildare" with [Lew Ayrcs aml Liouel Barry[more i Sunclay and MonJay * * 4 Alw«ya in Troublo" with ,lane Withers and Arthur Trea* cher Tuesday and' Wedne»3ay, aext week "M.v Lncky Btar v with Sonja Henie and Blcharvl Greone

AT THK EMPIHK THEATRE [ TfHifl.v anil tomorrow "Barefoot Bō.v M wīih Jaekie Morau and K&lph MorFriday anel Satnr<lay "Ang NagBmam*^ ,,, with m al! Filīpino e*?t. t Bun<Kv onh' "Waiuo\l by Polkv" with Frankie l>arro Country" with Jack Kanelall |aonrīay on!y "She-Dovil Isīaail" vrlth au «II Native o*st _ f ' Mr- Ob«my v ' with John- * | nie l>avis | Tttc«=r?sr or,lr • -<? "Profo&vr Eewaie" wlth } Haroia Uo^a ; 4I to vtsrr 1N KAI'.U - Mtī. |lSsoch Brown. »Iled ea the . slfsmer on Suodaj- ler Kausi jwhere sbe wiH vislt Us. au4 KrsAitien. Na&ak-a» Mer j,\>uas saa «Jso aoot.*mpaime<i teoi>ibe uip. Mr?. Broira. wa6 lorc:erij iliss Axxn* &os».