Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 12, 19 July 1939 — Colorado Barbers Sue Their City [ARTICLE]

Colorado Barbers Sue Their City

YVALSENBURG, 0010. (UP) — Most Walseoburg men \vere scratching either their chins or tlieir hea<ls lovlay iu t\vo .widelv Jiverge»t gesturfes. Those who seratrhed ohins 313 so to alieviate an iti-h:"g onusē(l by a two-uionths' growlh of beard. The headsorutching was ilmie hy bar-hei-s aM<i ,Tunlor Chnnihpr of Comnierce meinbers who f<>und themselve.s involve<3 in two *uits for ?SO,. (HKI ilaniages. Two months figo llie Walsenburg •Tuuior of Oonimoroe, seelcing to stiiuulate interest iu tbe ] oomihg Bl»olv Diamond ,Tuhilee —a j fouthern Coiorado oonl festival — urged the oity's malo populat!on to i grrow beards. When the silken heards began wa£rginy wlien tho Wa)senbnrg bfirbers'~union filed a $5000 damage !<uit in distriot eo»rt alles;ing boyoott hy the eiiamhoi- of Connnerce. lronioal!y the suit tilod wltb F. K. iprtrriotf, beardo<l aTtorney who anuounoed he wouhl iepi-esent the j iilainliil'. I The barbers alloj:o<l that "the de:on<lant. througlt iis \;iii>>us niemI hers influen<-ed tho malo oitīzens of \Yatsenburp aiul vioinity to refraln from shaving." * It fnrtlier ohar-;o<l that mon vrho rofrained froni s7iavini; also hooame nopHßeTit 1U (holr hair triuin\pd. Thls "boyoott," tho ooniplatnt ;illokps. <liunajred tho harbor* to tho o%t<-nt of $5000. The Chainher of Oomineree ans\rered this with a oountersuit, a"sfciug $25,000 damages.