Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 5, 29 May 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

HILO ; | Today, Last T{mps j "MY LITTLK CIiH'KADEK" with j W. C. Fields atul Mae West Tomorrow and Friday ! "TliK Fl(iH TlN(; with Jauies Caguey, Pai o*Brieu uiul l}oorge Brt>nt Saturday Oniy ' "<>UTSIDE THE 3 MILK LTMIT" ' vtith Jack Halt. Sunday and Monday PRIVATB <>F ELI 'ZABETH AND Ks|<KX" witl\ • Bette Davls un<l Krr<V| Flynn Tuesday and next week _ 4 -SWANEE KIVEIC j \vltli Don AmPohe, An<lrea Le?ās PALACE Today Only' "l"RA51El»" willi Cou*taiK'<' Moore and Robert Armsln»\g "LEUIO.N UF Tlll-: LAWI.ESS" wiOi Oeoi go o"Brien :iini Virghii>» Dale Tomorrow Only «PEIDE OF THK BLUE CBAW vvitli Edith Fellows '•WEST OF CAIiSON CITV" \vith Jolm Maek liro\vn aiui Bo!> Baker Friday and Saturday "TINIK Nl» ISANU UILAKLAK' \vith Angeiito Nepunuuono uiul Lurita Goyena. Saturday Ev«ning Oply "NIIZUMA MONHOO" \vith Kuwuno Mieliiko anti r,volmra Keu "Ml'l'MEl Yl'l'MK.l" tiuii»ler 1 Sunday and Monday ' BLONDIE ON A Bt'iMiET" whh Penny Singleton, Artlirjr Lake. j Larr,v Siiuni.s aiul liila lia\ \vortl». .J"TUE.SIIOWI.)O\VN" \vith WilUam Boyd Hiid Hus>iell lLewU'ii Tu«sday Oniy "Ml' SON 18 (.il'lL'l'l'" wiili l!ruee Cabot aiui Harr.v Cai'i\v