Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 35, 25 December 1940 — Gloomy Christmas For English Kids [ARTICLE]

Gloomy Christmas For English Kids

■ N«raweek'B London dent has cabied details of what promises to be the g!oomiest Christmafi a ¥sng!Tsh klddies ever had, secoßd wartime Chri«t«WLS aeMoa hleak and me&g&r. ®h« stw»» Tatnijr advertise; For the children's sake this must be s Merrj airtsuuas.' Bat the govemnieot is diBcoura£ing ail spendiog and urgiug monejr to be pui in warioaus. Sales are dowu ahoui » i>er eeut. Bhiliiug gifl parcels atv seut aui, wiiere iu e%-*cuatioa areas or to the fium Glfts are about oue per pers<.m and inteus*NT praclieai, sucii as wanu shelter uieuu "Ltuuion sttil ha? atKiut 100,000 «Aoōi ehiklm» and 200,000 under & There wiii tvautoiiiinc at ihe «.\>iiseuiu, and ihe *EBC plaus a j 'Ohrisuuas Under Fire" pro£ram wiUi evacuees S4»eakia£ m their fent«- Tm*«l is discour*#:oā There wIH i»e no extra tralss—aorm&ll\ there are s.oiX> — exeepi &w maii, whioh js expected to be unprecedenbeca«se of the oūiUoss houses hroken up. 1 tttrfc«ys aud a few iai-, pmM tnm Oanada at about m. c«uta « pound are soarce: ehiekeei*. I ducks, and rees»> at s(> ceuts a| |H»und are plentifui. The Food Mi |nist«r aliow douWe raticms of |t«a, sujtar, mA vesetah}ea Christj mas «wk, The he«t time» *iil 1 6aiUj be h*d ta big A«)ters iu 4»» |«er aw#s t&e k' |st*\nsoHns <Wv*tratUm&. paif d ( .tV4>, i«nnvs osrolN. auU ]