Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 46, 13 November 1908 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]

Our English Items.

, W})o.says that'Notley did'nt beat Kuhio this time? Read this for what its w.orth: "While Delegate Kuhio polled 742 votes less, this year, on the īsland of Hawaii than in 1906, it seems to have beeti overlooked that his vote inihe Second Representative District lell away by more than half. • Furthermore, in that district he was actually defeated by Notley, ;whōse vote was 626 to Kuhio's 439. This was the district,' by the way, in whieh Atkinson, Desha, and Holstein all predicted that the Delegate was easily safe." Thanks, Bulletin! . Why? The Democrats got the best o{ the other boys who anxiously wished to display their flights of oratoria! 'eloquences on Saturday. īf they can't succeed to block 'their wide awake opponents, t,he Democrats, they must suck the-tips of their fingers.

To say that the Hawaiian īslands will grow together and become one big island is not a new idea with the Hawaiians. In the realm of their .old traditions, there is one legend whieh threw some light on this subject that all the :slands cf this grojap were all of one land.- Thei legend runs thus: Maui-a-Ka'lana, or Maui-a-Kamalo, as 'he is sometimes calied, and he was about 24 generations from Wakea, the supposed ancestor of the Hawaiian race, knowing the tradition of his forefātiiers that the īslands were all one land, made his mind up to. bring them together again. Maui took the famous hook of his father Mahaiakalani, planted it at Hamakua, Hawāii, to fish up the Fish-God Pimoe, and with his three brothers pulled towards the Island of Maui. Maui-a-Kalana -gave a very strict injunction upon his brothers, notto look back lest the object of their combined efforts would fail. A mermaid of the deep blue oeean named Hina, appeared in a builing-(jourd ehape onthe surface. One of the Mauis,.uriconscious of harm, grasped the gourd anei placed it in front of his seat. All at onee there appeared a beautiful Mermaid on the surface of the oeean, at some distance back of the eanoe. The Maui brothers heard her qalling • them, they looked back, and saw the beautiful maid.riding easily on the billowq of Hlue deep. The line parted and the fair lady of the sea dis-appeared. The Maui brothers' expedition, the object of whieh was to connect the islands as.they originally were, ended in a failure." This is Home Rule scientifie research.