Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 14, 2 April 1909 — Gave Opi-i, Resulted in Shuti-i. [ARTICLE]

Gave Opi-i, Resulted in Shuti-i.

One dav, a man got an M D. of the allopathic class to cnre lus ver> dcai wile. The doc. did all he could for the poor woman, biu The man's dear wrie died. JusT £ive daysafter the dead woman was buried, the grief stricken man received the doc.'s btll, for $25 due to professional services retideied. One day the poor fellow went to the DocLur'b office, and m a hot Jever raged thundered a queation to the doctor "Did you care my dear wife?" "No!" answered the allopithic M D "Well, what dtd you giveher?" againasked the man, tears rolhng down his cheeks The doctor teplied: ,l I gave her httle r>pi-ī\ v "Humph! you gave her some opi-i (open-the-eye )brt you made her shuU-t (shut-the-eye )dm't you? Now, doc.tor, listen! make out your bill for $50 due to professional services rendered in the art of *hitft-t } c md I'll pay you. Goodbyē'"