Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 126, 10 February 1891 — LETTER OF CONDOLENCE FROM MAKAWAO MAUI. [ARTICLE]


Wailuku Maui, Jati. 31, 1891. We the Citizenß of Makawao in public meeting assei«bled on Friday January 30th v 18yl, <lo pasj9 the follo\ving Resolutions, Whewa* (rod -in his Almightv 1 1 roviden co - hap seen fit to rernove I>y death our B«vereign Potentate hikl l>eloved King Kalakaua ī., and, )Vhtreati we con.sider hi§ death to he not onlv a personal lōss to his snbjects but a national rnisfovtune. and, WhereaH we recognize the heaw personal bereavernent āfthe Queen l)owager Kapiolani, Her Majesty the Queen Ascendant Liliuokalani and of all the Royal Faniily, therefore; Be it Resolved, that we as loyal gubjects express our gritf at the natio«al loss. and our heart-fctlt synipathy with the Royal Family in their great serrow, and, Be it Resolved, that copies ©f these reBolutions be f#rwarded to the Queer\ l)owager aud Queen Ascendant and to the Honolulu English Press. AT Ti!K SA.MK MEETIN(S IT WAS FC'HTIITT I>ECI.A.UED TIĪAT. Whnraa a ntw Sovereign has bv thewill of God ascended the llawaiian Throne; Be it Res<>lv(l, that wt express our allegiauce to our new Queen; ller Majtsty Liliuokalani; Le Roi eM Mort: Vive la Reine! and, Rewlved, that coj>ies of these rcs«lutions be f©rwarded to Her Majesty the Queen and the H#nolulu Prese. Al (H'ST!v. r A. OOAN'E, Betr. etftrv of Meeting.