Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 144, 6 March 1891 — The New French Cure for Leprosy. Experiment in Paris. [ARTICLE]

The New French Cure for Leprosy.

Experiment in Paris.

Tw# members of Nantes jaedical faeulty» Dr 4 Bertin aiia Dr. Pieq, receiitly g'ave a demonstration in the presenee of their Paris coll»a--gues of a new ?ystem for' the treatment of tuberculosis whieh they have for a long time been earnestly mve£tigating. The treatment is based on the faet that goats are iftcapable of being infected with tuberculosis, jivst as rats are from attacks of dijphtheria» and rabbit from those of tetanus. The theory cf the Naat®s doctors is, that inaslaueh as the bloodof goats naust p©ss ess prophylactic properties whieh t>rōtect them against tubercular disease, the transfusion of the blood of those animals into that of human from tuberculosis must; give to the latter the power to re- ] *ist the attack of the malady. Yes terday two consumptlve patients were successfr inoculated with rifteen grammefl of goat's blood, whieh was injected intothe musular tissues of the thigh.- Both* operations succeded perfectly. The results remains to be ascertained. | MM. Bertin and Picq furnished their professional brethren with full explanations regarding the genesis of their method ; whieh they. said had nothing in eommon with th# !aboratory cxperiments preA*iously carried 6ut with lymphs or perums, for the injections under the new system mr"t, ia order to i be efficaciotts, be renewed every ten days.