Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 157, 25 March 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the Eleu|is not the Ministers' to give nor tne Quuen's to use for herself and brave staff. but is puhlie propertv, and ean onlv be used privately oii. emergencies. ' That the l; Bu!letin'' may be right that wē are not just r;pe for a republic, but we are always right as a people to enjoy the principles - that govcrn a limited nionarch}* like <ireat Britain or that whieh governs the Kepuhlie of the lTnited States. ! That Wni. Mossnif\n of Kahulni lias need to have j?ome one from līonolulu to ferret out opium; the di?X'Overy of t!ie last bateh f,f whieh saved two tho'JSand doliars of blood mone\\ to the unknown ownen, and eost thē of the Reform Partv Central ('ominit(ee on Maui, his Oiiieial reforra head. That it is a f:iet that Grossherzog Eduard, will leave his spirituous career for that of an opium fiend in plaee of Wm. M. resiejned. That the Queen is favorable, and very properly, t» the fullfilment of the oft repeated promises niade to the Maui jndge by the defun 3t cal>inet, —who existed on j promises,—and is likely the t)l"ace of Freddv, fesigned. That the ''Bulletin" is not right, and it kno\vs better, when it says that; th« * (t.- -JAC cabinet was satisfaf'tory to the majority of the peopl(i. , Th: t the Ka Leo article on a popul.ii' form ©f govern;i!ent was 1 a r:7ely api)rec iat ed. • Thic.t a. strange similafity occurs in dissentiog opinion of honest ! Judge I)("le, as the minor Judge witn that of Judge Judd, when he was a|s"> a minor on the Bench. Temp(h~a mviantw' et nos in illis.

| That Wm. Daniels of Wailuku lis (he coming sheriff ©f Maui, on j wliieh ai>pointment we heartily ; the Cabinet and Mar- | shal, and the dear people of Maui. Th£it thc Vice Mi!iister of Interior is Ihe lifth wheei to the new Cabinet. Th; t the Hon. Archibald C'egj horn will inore propsrly fit the jgubernatorial Chair of Mani, as a imember ofthe Royal Family. In whieh case, we wōuUl recommend our sli pDery and eioquent friend the fire of lao Valley and Dam Wailuku, otherwise known as ex-H»m. J. W. K.; and also the little noble Marquis of I&o, as Majors in waiting and spittoon carries to his Hiihne. s» Thjt the Diike of Waikapu. will take .1 very niueh needed vacation from |his arduous oineini duties, as ui<fe de n:p< and to nssuage his fe|eiing.-? of <lis.".ppoiiitment in not being crc?ited governor ofhis nati\>; province. William is both patriotic and patriarchiai, and is pueh ii dear little mnjor, donH yo.u know.