Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 278, 11 September 1891 — FOOTPRINT. [ARTICLE]


M. Crowley, - What appears to be hom an footprints have been discovered in the sandstone formativ>n near tbe coast. They are several feet below the surface and apparently of very ancient date. We rise to explain how those footprmts got here: 'Twas a dreary n!ght by a dreary ahore. And slowly the murky tide did flow With a ēipmal wail and a washy i#ar,. Some flfty-five hundred years ago; " Andtbewinds £l«w by with adoloroag hum, Like a or a i»iifīied. The skies were as <lark as a hidden sic o'erithe dreamer who pondered there alone, And sadly t&e inky seas rolled in, As he sat and mused in an understone. I He was an editor thin with wee, And he grasped in hie hand the Ka Leo. | For things were bad in that far off day I About thirty-five huudred years B. C., And the naked subscriber wouldn't pay, But always wanted his paper free; And a hairy eontributor long and thin, RaisedCain when his paragr&phs didn't goin. And he mused in a hieorglyphics there For language wasn't invented yet, And 80 a citizen had to swear, In a sort of alphabct: And when he CQuldn't help but damn, He did it by meanB oi a diagram. And lie thought of the undreseed nobilite Who put on airs at the ancient date, And passed resolutionB beneath a tree "Will the Hui Kalaiaina please federate;" But they set on their tails with a billiouf eye When a eommon meehanie passed them by. And the Planter 3 s I>eague met onee a

week When the clawed at eaeh others hide v ' In a slushv location beside a creek, And labor tronbles th3y were beside; Including the anshod office bard, Who\v»B tight in a barrcl in the yard. And the primitive burglar was going hi? rounds Sort oI original 4l ßareioo(ed Bill' And the primitive Marshal swearing by "Zonnds" That he'd stop Bill from going thro' - ; sa£e and till; And a libel Buit had been Btarted too, By ari "eminent' 'statesment painted blue. And a "loyal subject" had called that " <iay. With a howl and a club, and said that • he Wanted Ka Leo stopped right away» Because of its awiul disloyalty; And a pious m&n who xras feeling bad Had brained tbe printer" and stopped his 4 *ad."

And he thoaght of a€ertainmanof fame, Who, a« paper waen't inventedthen, Thought finance was carrie,d on jaat the i MuaM,— ; Had paesed (Mi him a stone P. N, And old redBandetooe I. 0. U. t Whieh waa now considablyoverdQe.\ aa the alow dnll tide rolled m With a dißmftl wiul, and a hoUow t Toax> He dream > t that aepook withamirthleeF grin Wae paaaina a plateupon the shore, And asking him to eontribute Tfc> a TheologicallnBtitttte. Then the howl ofsonae beast byadi*i tant etream Made him think with a boding ol aw- ! fu!wue, That he heiurd Kmney yelimg in a '! dream Aboat hw&dred mn&|o; Or else thatS*U L*ke apoaUe of Ught Wāahurrfedly in the ti^ht. And a Bpectral form oune ctod tn hoaee, AndagroefiomeMolokai taleit re»d With details coooerning the HoUow i Groans "* Atdthe woesof theliving amongthe I deed; He fearfully wagged his sk*letoo jaw At Daytonic Board and tyranic law. So t(be edstor woke 'neiUi a murky eky, Wfith his kneee supjKMrting his w©ary I hoad» v And hiehat|aiKtmod downo'er hie weary ! *>»> Aiid asked why the world waan\ all i born deadi Aiul thē footprints they found the other : day % . W*w» hi« track£, as bo nionrnCully walk* «k1 away«