Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 301, 14 October 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


OF GOVKRNM.EXT A'Nl'> I 00 N ST LTI *TION. 1. W* k »11 (uwwnmoiU hu; v UM IK' vho }v''i;iv , ipUi : of L»Viony, K«|unUti* Fratovnuy: hoUl (i:Ht i\U im-u are lK»ni aml^unl, i!h- ta\\ aJtU ;m> »»na \v«sl wnl». io lifo, h» UU v rtv, to |»r\ :H»n :> io l *u v u ōf t

-and to bielf-protection ag-ainst arbit.rarv concentratioii oi power, irrespongibfe \vealth, and unfair ooaipetition. We believc that just governinent exj*sts oulv hy the consent of the People. and thai, when it beoomes ne(;esf=ary for the pu'olie welfare, they may abolish «xiytinjr forms and €stahli.sli morc advant4rgeoii« antl eqiiitable system ; and, as the prefent Constitution of tlie Hawaiian Kins<lom never has ha<l the approval of tho People, but wae o?tablisded by sntimidation and fraud for the benefit of a oertain class 4 therefore we favor the adoption of a new ainl more liberal Constitution, to truly m*ure a Government of the Peopie, b-{ the People arid for tho Peopie. INDFPENDKNCiS 0F THE COUNTRY 2. Outof i'onsideratiou fortheinherent rights an<i present opinions of the native popnlation, we dersire to retsin the itldependence of the Co\intry and defeiul ite autonpmy., nnder a liberal and popularW&6fjg#vfermnefct; butourTreatie* witk at»d e*peciali}with 4he . United >States of Amertea,, diould be revised. m to feetter meet pr€«ent iiecessities asd to ohteki.. more ' eq*i table iad va?i tagee In granted by ae. J UPieiAHY REFORMS 8. Otir Judiciary system and Code of Proeedure must be Kubmitt«d thorough revislon. so aa to . a dmar> and prompi adniiniBtratk>n of of aH «ecfetrian or patisan.Bpiri{, T<t4 to render the ,J?idges more dīi?ectly reeponsible to the People; and ve fire in favor of a,more liberal i»terpretation of ConBtitutional guaranteee of the.frec(lom. speeeh ānd 01 the press. T\XATION /4. Amore just and perfeet sykem of Taxation musf. be iiuiugurated/ to abo* lish the present ine(jualitieß, by- whieli • <th;e property pf the poor is (&jseessivelv taxed» whil© munH" of ricfa man's •goode are *assehemeiit qnr entirelv Vaxatiīfcif-VB thereio!*e demaod the that will more effectually J fabject the property of corporaticng-and rieh dtissens to their jugt propōftion otf pnMkburdene, while gramttng more überal i?semp.tiouB to the poor ; and as a means 01 di6couraging the locklng up of lsrgttracts of u»cnltivated lands, a difle?eiitial tax ehould be- levied in addition tu the usual moemmenl on valnation whieh ehould be in pi%»ortion to the fertiUty of the soiL We ahali also favor eetablishment 6f a graduated incotqp»tax. and thus expect-to obtain ample funda '* for eondnctitig the government an«l attending t® all necessitry public improve« meuts' \vithout any further calls on the maeses. MONOPOLfEs*, o. \Vc shall use our eff©rts to obtain lawe by whieh «11 favoritiem in tiae go» - ernment and al.l. monopolies ? tr'ugt6 and privileges to special dasses shftll \be rendered impo»gible, by- f\ili, 4efiife and mandatory et&tutes. PUBUC SERVAKTS. ■ ' tu Better lawe ghould reguiato the Civil Service. The prmcipte of the eleetion of oflicers of goverSntoBt %y tfee pebpleshouldbe e£At)Hfibāfc 4nd -naan should be aiiowwl to h<M than one offireof woBl, wfc«sl <H! should bo adagsstē the sarvices AI ealarieB should be.r«artced ! a£d- a& siw Buperflswas omm abol»hed. PROTBQTJO» 050 MKE IN~

7. We are ia fsvor ol eticour«gsiig aii home agncti!tnre and mduslari«9» «nānli our D»tive prodncta, ,JLlke rke, e«ifee. wool. «houkl be pr*xs*cted » aad fo®tered by proper tariif regulation; and alao it niugt be tlie dnty oHhe Uotment t in its contract« attd other opet-a> tions, to give prsfcrence t»natimua proaocts owr irnoorted ones. TA)OAL SELF-Gf)V KRX ME&'T 8. AVe deeire a more )iberai policy to- . waras the vlifferent IslandB of the diMak t out?ule of Oahu; they pV.a«ld receive a falrer proportion of tuv. puhlio moneys for the devt>lopment of theīr reaonrces aiul the sati?tact»rn oi th«r wants. In lact, tbe pnnoiple of loeal Sel£-government phoald he eoctended, whwby gi>ing looalities may ohooee the most important of their loeal exectiUvo ofticers, and levy taxes lor the loeal *i( a pubtie natur<. PROTEOTON TO THK LABOURIKG CLAfcSJSS 9. We «hall eiHlorse a3l »MSBm s tvndiuj£ t« i:uprov* the eomlhkm ol the } \vorkinjj ctam<ti % and coose«>t)4Hitly, wiihom iujuring any veeted righh«» we will j rt<i\ooHtf lavi\s to prewnt all furthpr im« | i*ortation or employaient of <\>ntr«cti of nny kind, coiulition? | whieh will bring it into a rnin®ws a»d ! *»nipt titiou wiili free Hawai- ; isvn or whitt> lalw. We ehall alpo, in i the i*>toi\st of tac K'tt«r pi»tevtion of j the |xx>r, asfc tor iuoro \ .l)er»l exem)itionB | ot *bt»ir |»rr)i»erty ir\>«n $alo \wi ex- ! oemiou, aui! (rom so**c.rv in l«nkruptcv prōcecdin.«si.. v SMAT L FARM«N<I ANl> HOMK» sTKAIiS. ' 10. TUo\v*v»<Jhv ;iT\ tiv>n oi onr |H»pui«- , tiou h:*\o hit <iv pn. \vnto*l tiu- vl* wlop- , mont ol'an ii v K i <tcn» eW* t»t eum--n* tho puhlie lan-V Ihvu and aaw Kvn tuvt p;» ui a K w haisl< or