Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 311, 28 October 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PEINOIPLE OF GOYERNMENT AND contot^ J. We deeni that all Government »houW be fouuded on ihe principles of Liberty, Equality-and Fraternity; we: hold tbat ail .men are born freeandequal be&>re the Jaw and are endowed with inalienahle rights to life, to liberty, to propertp. to the pursuit of happiness and to self-protection against arbitrary concentration oi power, irresponsible wealth, and unfair competition. Webelieve that just govemineiit exists only by the consent of the People, and that, wlien it heeamee necessarv for the p»b<> lie welfare, they may abo!ish exißtiug forms a,nd establish more advantageou« and equitable Bykem; and, the present Constitution of tl\e Hawaiian Kingdom never has had the approval of the People t but was| establisded by intimidation and fraud ior the benefit of. a certain class l therefore, we favor the adoption of & new and more liberal Oon--Btitution, to truly m»ure a Government of the People, the People and jor the People. ! L ■ INI>KPKNDENCjK THE COUNTRy 2. Oitt of i< leratioii for the inherent rights and pres<nt. opinione ofttie na* ti\-e population, \wb ckrBire to retain the ind«|)ei«Kince of the Country and its* aufcmomy, u ider a liber&l aiKi lar form oi goyQi&uient ; but</ur Treatieg with Foreign Powere, and P9peckdty with the Uuited Btate« of Amwiea, akould he reviaed, eo&etc bett«r preeeut necessiti*s and toob4ain raore «quitabl« advuju t ige« in exrha&|!Boi tho?e pranted by us. JUDII'IAKV KKFOKMS 8, Our J udicia ry syfc.tem aj)d Oodeof Procedur« must be tu a (hor* «Htgh rßvwio«, ■ 8« tr» *ecure a asd pr«Bipt administration of justiasfree of all sectamn jjv aud (u r6uvl«air the »uore dir*»cUy ponsiWtothe Peopl*; fwixi wo are iju> lav«rolāmow iiheral Cot>atitution«a $uair*wkxw ofth« ' i. • *

I 4. Ā ad>re ja«t and perfect Taxatioa must beimmg»xstēd, toafe*r liek the pregent inequalities, % whfeh the property the poor ig exeeesiTe)y taxed, while of the rich goods are imde&sakied for asseBsment or entirely r 'e6®#p& ta»tien'; we ehali. therefore lā>e pa§sage <rf law»that will more feffeetna3ly snb|ect tha~ property of eorporati ns &nd rkii «atK zens to their just proportion of wilaiie burdens, while ifranting m«re liberal exemptions to fhe poor ; and as a £neans of diecouraging the locking up ol !aisg& tracts of ancultiv»ted lands, a differential tax shoald be levied M adds£on 4o the uaual ameaewmi en val«ation.which shonld be in proportion to the f6rt&ity of the soil. We shall ālso favor th« establishment Of a gradnated incomertax, and thu£ expeet to vobtain ample fnndB for conductroj£ thegavernment attending afinecess?iry public improvements any further cal!s on the. masses. * &OKOPOUEB 5. We ahall use our eflforts to obtain laws by whieh all ernment an4 £tll monepolīes, trusts and privileges td epeeial classes «hall be rendered impossible, by full, deSnite »nd mandātory statutes. 6.. Better laws shonld regulate the Civil Service. The t>rinciple of the etection of officere of the government by the people should be established, and ao man Bhould be allowed to, hold more ihan one office of profit, whilst salaries should be adaquate compensstion for the sarvices rendered. All excessive sa- ■ laries should be reduced and all sinecures or superfluous of¥ices abolished. PROTECTION to home inI>TJSTBIES 7. Weare in favor of encouraging all home agriculture and industric?s, andail our. native products, like rice, co£Fee, wool. tobacco, etc. should be protected and ! fostered by pxoper tariff regulation; and aleo it muet be the duty of the Govment> in its contracts and other opeis?s tions, to give preference to national pfOrducts over imnorted ones. ' ■ - • PUBLIC SERVANTS. LOCAL SELF-G<>YERNMENT " We deeire a more liberal policy towarda the dififerent Islands of the Klngdom» outside of Oahu; they ahouM receive a fairer proportikm of the pubiic moneys for the development oi their reaourcefi and the of th«r wants. In factr, the principle of loeal Sel£-governmeßt ghonid be extended, whereby giving may choose the most important*Of their loeal executive officers, and levy faxee for the purpose loeal improvements of a pnblic nature. PROTECTION TO THE LABOURING CLASSBS 9. We ehall e&dorse all measure tending to impr6ve the condition of the working clasees, and consequently, without injuring any vested rights, we wfll advocate laws to prevent all ftirther importation or em-loyment of contractlabor of any ki» upon conditions whieh will brin£ it itfto a ruin*us and : degrading comp€tition with free Hawai ian or white labor. We ehiāl also, m the interest of the better prōtectk>n oi the poor, aak for more liberal exemptionB of their property from forced sale on execution, aud fr6m eei«ure in biuikraptcy proceedinsrs. SkALL farming and HOME STEADS. fraction^fGrtir^opulament of an independent class of citi3ens; the public lands have beet) tfccquired and have been tied up in a tew hands or Darcelled to -suit favorites, aad small f*rmers and planters have been driven out by corporations or eombmations «f capitalists; but as small farming ia eonducive tothe etability of the State, it should pe encouraged by a new and more liberal Homestead aet, by wheli the ownership of sm*ll tracta of land and thfc settlem«ut thereon of familic*> of our preeent populatlon,->and eapeeiali ly of the native Hawsāians who have been left almost homete6B in tkerecoun-try,-should be rendered poeakhie. To tnat end, the Government and Oown lande, ( in so far aa ean be dcme without invad<ng veßted ) nheaūā bedevoted as sooq poeeihle to homeBteads. . omlemd upon bona-fide eettlers free of taa«B a liimted ponod. It shouW beth« further aim ofgovem®MHftt to t at onoe, so far improve the meaneoi Uaamrt» «ioa,—loeal, aatioo> al and internatfimaH—ae ,4o ptovkle« in ali Iho districtB, eheap mMuiaol conveviag th* prod»ct ol the soil to market. * KLECTOBAL RIHGT. 11. Wo hold that uprigfet aud hon««t manhooO* a»d not the &osfse£Bkm oi arbitr*rily fixed, shoold eoneuth« rigbt to vote lor noUea as weU as reprtteiltativee, and no more power should be accorM to the ballot of th* rich nm» than to the ballot of the l«or man. Tf»e dkenaufialio& m 6ivor oi wealth now made m our Constit3itkm i» «oatrary to all the elwma) pritwjpH< of righi and a»d mus?4 be aholkhod. th|a end, w will £aw a tev«lin« ef tl» preeeot dreUactionof wealth and ol«sse«i whkh htomish our l&w* wi<h of riajbt to yote lor i»#ova whwh hate bM igt