Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 317, 5 November 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PRINCIPLE OF GOVFKNMESNT ANt> CONSTITUTXON. 1. VVe «leem tbat all Uovernmiiiit Bhoald be fo«nde<l on the prmciples of Liberty, Equality and FFatemity; «e hold that all men are born free atid equal before the law ahd are c»dowed with maJieii9,ble rights| to life, lo liberty, to propertp, to ,the pnrsuit of happiness and against arbitmry eoneeptration of| po\ver, irresponsible wtalth, and unfaij-competition. We he liē&e'that exif=ts only by the consent of |the Peopie. anel tbat, when it beeomes iixecessary for the publie welfare, they jmay abolish existiiig forms« and €Htablish inore advantageous and equitable syst|em; and, a« the present Const3tutioTi bf the Hawaiian Kingdom never has ha<jl the approval of the People, but was establisded by inlimidatiou and fraud| for the benefit of a certain elass* therefore, we favor *the adoption of a new I and r»ore liberal Conetitution, to truly secure a Governmc ut o/ the People, ky\the People for the People. | INDEPKNDKNCK OF THĒ COUNTKY 2. Out o£ for the inherent rights and present opinions of the native populaiion, \te dersire to retain the iudei>endejice of the Country and defend it« autonomy, under a liberal and popular form of govern^nent; butourTreatiep with Foroij»n Powerp, and especial[y with the Unitedl Stat-es of Amenea, Bhould be revisedj m as to l->etter jneet prenent neeesBities and to obtain raore equitable advantagep in exchange of tho«?e granted by us. i - ' vY V :v V ;i- : >; . .HTPIt lARY K KF( >RM(g o. Our J udici:iry Hystem aiid Code oE Procedure must submitted to a tliorough reyision. »o a» to seeuTfe a eheap and promM adn3ini«tration of juatice,free oi all seclarian or patisan spirit, jmd tb render the J »idges more dimAly repponsible to the People • and we are »n fa,vor of a more interpretation of Conatitu4ionai guarantees 01 the freedom of apeeeh and the . TAXATION 4. V more just and pertwt Taxation must heiinau<;nrated/ t,o abo. lisb the preseut by wkleh the propertv of the |K»or taxcd, whiie muoih ot the rich man's are under»ialuetl for or enti»>iiy weape tasation; \ve therofore demandi the of th»v will more etfectnally »uhject the prop* i ity of i-orpomti< n* aatl rieJ» eltir th«ir }ust i protH>rtioi> of puWie ! bujcdeoy, wliile iirtfutiny; mo»v hberai ! exeiuptioQi» to ihe | |HHir; and aa , irf)lfcrour«}:injs tl«s )ockinsr of targe traittx of um'<iUivnnHi lauds t a <lifiimr tiaJ f«x plh>iiM btf |ievjed in A«)diiiou to iu&ual **u j shotild be ii» pro|>ort>k>n to the f«rtUii? of th« Roil. We sh&H ess Üblishmeot oi a gi«duated kMWa»**a&, and thns expBtt to ohtain for eom|uvUuK Um) ipvYriiiiMnt and attffl»diutf ail nuh})c itbprov«»uonlii wiihoiU &11 y lurther cit)!s t>n iht* ! : ;vs:: v :;^ ; : MONOPŌUKi? Wti vttorte w oUain i I»wm by whieh all $avorfti*m iu th<» I ttrmtiei»t aud alt iiion&paikH», tru?t* »iid i n> h(Wuil sh*ll bb reodsWr irapa&hte, by «ikl ,*>- Better )*wsshould reguUi« Uh» Ci-\-il .Bemee. Th« prineiple ihe twn 01 m'| th«> bv [ the ple *hould tv e^laWiahea,

: &nd - .' ai*d also Iti9wl» o#t t kHs cGste-fteis aaā otfcer |io»e, to give pr<toeītee li» nail»fusl prodncts over isaported oiiea. 6. We «ksi?e a more liberal pc#gL|p--wartls the of the Wmg- r dam, ootside ol Oaim; t.hay aheulĀ Ye~ ©eivē a fair©r of the poMio m<oheyß for the derfclop3toedat ol tiitfir resonrees and t&e satisfeefeira of tb»r wants. Ib fa«fc, t&e prln#ple ōf lo©al be esteadodl T wherelgr givmg localities i»ay €&oese most important oi th«ir loeal ej©tp<iv€; officers, and levy ias&g . 1 eal im?>rov€toentaof a $tfblie n»ture. JPROTECTIOK TOTHE LABOURIN<i ' ■ " ' • • " ctmsm —— : 9. We ahall endoree all mea£siire tending to improve tlw? comiition of tbe . workingclaBses, and without injaring any vested i'igitts, \re wfl! . .advocate latvs to prevent ail furthi'* Importatitm or eniployment ol contractlabor of anv kmd, upoa conditāons ■whieh will bring it into a nijsi©nB asd degrading competltion with fifee Hawai ii*n or white labor! We sh|dl a!so, īn the interest of the better prosection -oi the poor, ask for more liberii exemptioiis ! ol their prqperty from forced sale on execution, ahd from seizure ra banferuplcy proceedinas. SMALL FARMTNG AND HOME wSTEABB. - 1 10. The wealthy fraction of onr |iopulation have hitherto prevented thedevelopment of an independez!t class of citi%ens; the public landg have been acqnired and have heen tied up in a few hands or parcelled to suit favorites, and sma|l farmers and planters have been driven oj»t by corporatipns or cofigbinatiops «f car>italists; btit ae smaH farming is eonducive to the stability of the State, it should pe encouraged bv a new and more iiberal Homestead aeL, by wheh the ownership of «mall tracts of ian<l at»d the tereon of toilies of our present population,~and especiaii ly of the nati\Te Hawaiianā who have been left almdst homeless m thereconntry .-should be rendered possiWie. To that end, the Qoverament aad Oowh laßds, (in s6 far as ean be dō»e withoot invading vesfeed rights ) shQuld bedevofreda*;soon as possibie to 'hocaegteads. and conferred upon bona-fide settJers free ©f taxes for a iimites per|od. •It should b6 the further aim of gorernr meiit to f at onee, so far improve the means of transportr tw>n, —loeal, national and internatīonal, —as to piwHe!», in all the districts, <*heap&iean6 of cciimy*ing the nrodcct of the soii to market. INT£RNAL IMPROVEME3iTS . We favor the expenditure of sufli-<-ient euiaa to sec«re a number of nmled puMie icnprovementB on Oahn attd other Isīands: nehool, railxoadß andharbors and wharvee, alan * • thorough syalem of resArvolm $nd water-works, notonly toHoaohifiiVlfcit tlirou2h-ont theother Islaiids.