Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 326, 18 November 1891 — Who Shall Vote? [ARTICLE]

Who Shall Vote?

In 0$ iaaue 011 MoDd»/the P. u. A4yfriiBBr. diideavors imder tbe &me \msXig rogain iho symp«« tfei>4of whit9 voting elemeni

— ■' ■ ■ and to cast odium upon tha BasW Wilqox faQtiop, but unfortanately for tie P. C. A v the Bush-Wilcox faction plumbs its course of . 'upon fundam9ntal princip]es, while the fornaer is running its political, lines on no principles whatever. Tlie Bush-Wilcox faction, and particularly its leaders, as a conse* quenco has been enabled to rnn tbe gauntlet of their political opponents unreasonable, yindictive and villifying criticisms. We may safely say of Bush and Wilcox, that no two Hawaiiana have received as mueh venom an4 traduction as these two loyal re* presentatiyes of their neople havs from a class of foreigners from whom better things may be expected. We ean understand an appre* ciate the feeling of disappointment the Reform may have,- of whieh the P. C. A. v is its exponent, because their cause and aims have been frustrated in a/ large measure by these men, and"through the P.C.A , s laek ofcoasistency withjust and right pnneiplea. But with fair minded aud' honorable men, the coarse pursued by the P. C. A. pwrty, towards those Hawaiians, of whom these two are tvpes % 4iotgoing to heip matters for e:Ui£r politica! party, and more especial-; ly f6,r the Reform Party, who in numbers represent oiilv a handfnl of the populaiion, and representing no just principles Returnmg to the snbject of "Who shall vote ? " we feel that there is? but one reply to this question. and that is, that every one who is a citizen of the country should have • the privilege to vote, and to have only one vote. This is what we have always, and ever will advo» cate. We concede no superior right to any man over his lellowmon, It is n right whieh requires only natural intelligence to quality one for the privilego, and that alone is all the quālification needed at any time. It is not a m&tter of theory, but 11 weli known fact, that the uearer wo ba&e our nrinciples of govemme|it upon natures laws the aearer we are io that oquality and freedoto. whieh is uniycrsally aekuowledgod as tbe birthright of man, aiid that tbiß BUperiority is only granted him from the beginnio£Over tbe lower order of the animai nevcr over one floother.