Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 329, 23 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tbat the political pot is boi)ing. That the l)vrke ot Waikapu h in town. TJiat Juliijs|C(.esar Asch is sai(i to be thc successful nominee for Ohief Ēngineer of the Fire Dcpart« ment of Honplulu. Wc wish him succcss. 'l hal maj*y of our foremost uieu, Hawaiian and foreign are iti favour, of republican Bentimeuts,/ow.ing to the filthy condition of our governmeiil ftfc present innnaged. That tho $ew Vork Sun, a 3ead- : mg American da!l}' paper Baye, j | tbat the Engliaii Oomn»6Bioner j the "puli" on the Queou, through ! Sandv. %•' . i whea Uasajgel;s he t*Us wuio asLoniāhiag es|peciaHy that the fM3tion of ihe Queen ituplied revolut|on, and ; that the nmchanics were not to be truhted with the «]ection «*f 'olHeiala/ 1 ,Esh ! Eah ! That ihe i£leie is pnbliahmg a t>!atform as the HuiKali\iaina ? swhen thero haa no nieeting of that body smce it assemhled iast in the 01d A *mory, /ive or more wwks ago whontaey adopted the"declaration of princbles ,y publiBhed in this paper. That Ka Lro is in wiih the P. 0. Abvertiscr in supprcBBing yioe and imiuorahty, with opiumr nngs and sovereigii boodlen*. • That Celso (\ Morono saya. tliat h»ve a Cabinet maker hurlv blAcksnuth, who kas thd pull <hi the Quetn, awi direet« miserablo Oabmot •...

[ That Unele has i»ine r ,pOssession In HsCwaii, effort outhe part of that Gown^ . That the Mechanics' Uaion is the first after Ka Leo to Oomple- | ment Mrs. Theresa €artwright, J>resenting her with a bouquet ot qts, for the excellēnT two" cent stamp whieh bears her likeness. BeMezza det Cido. That J- Mott Smith is in WaShSam's havmg īēill sorts of impossible gifts to offer for īhe pnr% pose of favoring his own and. his lsiends inter«sts. That Dr. Hammond says tfaat. our friends are worshiping bo&n | the golden calf aiid golden image, of old. testament history. That only two of tae Presidents of the Hui KalaiainaV Distriet Branch Associations eame in obedicentral Body, They have denounced the main Hui for affiliatiug ; and following the lead of the üboodler,s'' in the Mechanics Union, one of them stating at the meeting of the Hawaiian i National Liberal Party, xhat they are with the latter atid will so mako a report to their constituents.