Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 346, 16 December 1891 — An Old Crank. [ARTICLE]

An Old Crank.

i Ēxbuse us, was heard to snv to « man of oppoBite char:ict6ristics. n<>t inflated with his wenlth,~th<n ,l W£ must not let. tliat Hush nnd V\*;icox get into tht* Lēgi?lāturc; t!iev are no good; thev will ruin us; « h \v will" —(bere the old ainn broke dowu) nothing bat frotb o«ming

out in?tead of s*>und or wōni froai his mouth.. • ~ The gentleman as soon as the crank revived, ; reminde<3 hihu that tbese twogei!tlemeo, were the onee that carrieJ him and a few more hke him into the Legistlature last electioti. "I am afraid " a.iid the latt j r, 4 'that all yourweaitk will never again get you ioto the Legislature, you a_re damned with the natives, because you prōmised to help them to get a new Oonstitution. and you broke your • word of hunor. Tbese gentlemen ' did all they promised, and they arehonored and respected as men of ttreir nr#rd though they have ne if<Jtl|ing ean stop Bush ,and Wilcox from being electedf unfoment another wvol6tk>n &nd kill all>he ;$» Was db«ie in ibe eaie ©f tbe vote for Noble. Not y knowitfg any wrong in eiihei-, b|st Ud£friiig their determinatk>|i to| for the rightsof the«maom, I «heerfully give them xbf *dfeitwd «upport." Hans got tb« James this time, ansl wit&>ui efibrt the old eran|; got his just reply for his underhanded attempt to injure his famiI lies conntry peeple.