Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 353, 25 December 1891 — CHRISTMAS DAY. [ARTICLE]


r ('i i iU) a child vs born % uiUoua t (->• €fiven: and thc govemmcnt . .}? h apon hi,'. *houldcr: ~and his -n(i 'W: shallbe cāūed Wond'jrj'ul, Coun~ Tkt mi<fhty God, The Everlastinn Fathcr, The Pnnee bf Peaee. Of t r , rmreasc of His government and , ,{(•<■ l there hhall he' no end, upon the of David, and upon hi* kinqeln.ii tn order lt, and io cstablish it <eithjudgment and wiih justn;t from h*'.iW(forth eren for evcr. The zeal of_ LORD of hosts will perform this" - — ■^fey7~fipōīh < even until >. 3eem s to be the greatest holi- . vhat ever it was the privilege luiin to commefnorate. It re:;iinds us of a Saviour born in fulthe first promise ever -: a<le to man and his erring eomi 'on. woman, after tlie fall. All thi jngh the record of inspiration, Tre find the promises of a Redeemer a Merciful ()rpator. atid the ' of that promise,; whe» * <iv)d was made manifest in the fiesh, jiifc»tified in ihe spirit, seen of .ingles, believed wi in the world, *received up into* glory." ; ' liow little doea the multit»iVlē' of pyofessing Chri&tians of to - day, boasting of the rich iriheriianee whieh they elaim to possess Christifl.ns. realize the magnitmle of Ood's lore- when in giving b)F only begotten .son. he gave all Ifeaven in the one giffc. as a p?TS- - for the sins of inan, "I an<l my Father are one." blessed u rat\ce,.; teStifi.es- to the fulfillT Mient of the manifestation of God "*») the_rtesh. and convince is professing Christians, who fnjoy the blessed privilege to%jlny of observin£ the birthday that gave t<> Ihe world the Promisod Beed., through whonv-all nations, upon • >nditions of faith and obedience, «ihnll be blessed. The early Christians, begioning with the progeiutors of the race, i ♦ >ked forward in faith And obe4ience. that the day wonld~ come, when tbe Kedeemer would be given t :; j m by the sanie Creative Power tiriit made tlie first Adam out of 'i»anittiate ctay. V\ r e read how by Abel ottered to (rod a moro '3c-ellent sacriuoe. in tWe sviiiboV 4'i.he saerificial laml» representing il iiu. whose ,sint*<{ b!ood «hall wash ft\vāy ihe sins of the workl. fn order to sliuw our veneration for God the Creat-or. whoee bi>unt(.M».ijs <ov<i made this dav po?sible to the raee, lei 'n» Ci»ristians iiidee<T. temembor tlie uies» *en<;er oi "peaee aad good wil! to •'ill men. i, at*<l »>v of niercv auil eharitv ,sho\v l»ou \ntueh we ap|ireoiate the l<)ve of ilod as iiianif.'*t»'d in Hioi. \vho g;i v<' all lo do g >od t<> rhose evon who hatē and ■ pei> riti' hiai ān-i rev-i!e his tearh •' 'A sea»* the .ui.".joru v keep ;his ; oav ino!;- iu ■ he of Ant; ! <.'hrist thau iu -ea' vhe nieek j and lowlv N"uza•• ?>»•. \\V *honld ( r{>t exuberancc (u-r j.;iv burv \ tiie hatehet of i'l w;-]. ;«nd '• | <>ur x:ini|/;e ihe ef • Om; !

whom today, we profos3ii>* witb lip service to c»raiuiemoiate his birfch. . Let tas then emluate the* spirit of the Diviae Teacher, whose unselfish life should be a lesson to every man that profeseeß his name, and let every act of our life be a commemoration of the day that first gave to the World a Redeemer. Ia the spirit of Christian Charity we «xtend our cordial greetings to aH, more espeeially to those who do not love us for endeavoring to show np their wickedness and hypocriey, as did the Master,_ we all profesß to hQnor to-day. May the Day, with its hallowed associatione, be a profitable one to all.