Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 355, 29 December 1891 — The Suppression of the Social Evil [ARTICLE]

The Suppression of the Social Evil

• ,s no pI.'H-e in 'i:i' KnnAvn its sizo. wL^i'' 1 * Y. x social Gvil cxists to 5VK'h i'? l exteiit it r n Ilonoiuli». FroiP onr Know- \ of the lcritioisLns ma<Je by t\ « ]]r*r.s aml" str:mgers. ahel our n t)l>scrvations, we firr>'oelieve s?:it"wnt in rogiinl to the exōT "this r ēvil in iīonolulu, to !»* in evcry respeet trne. The great !»'• ' np'">n the fallen rice lias grown ■ neli Droportions in this eity i prodacing such disastrous re- • to . our popul-iion. is such we think among other <luties, our legisiittors should take sj;eps ii: the inconiing legi.slature. to restrict fliis evii anel to adopt drastic meafor its suppressiōnT; „ r ' o moral degradation and heas:i;ii depravitv among the people of tiie> ! 'islan<i!ri. reckoning frorn n?arJy a!' :.>ses .among its vi<?tims, is a > ous char:e to ma'ke of a eomniu:iity, i»tit it is, \ve are sorrv to >ay, about true. We are often told < ;f where the verv best of our s ' i< ty are sufferers. in consequence of this gJowing vice among the. sexes. and manv of the wenker portion" have been obliged to flee the ovīifitry to liide their sin and ; :rie Amowg those who know i:i<- mosfr about the condition we ■ir' to- <lay in thi. f ; respect. are our < i'omo.), who have got so bold in ti»is nefariotis business, that tbey «(<-. not hesita te to make use of the lelephone to oall up some of the on(s of a tamilv and rush trvm ofF to the Park or beyood j l>i.imond Head, or some other hell- i hole. to rqin and defttrov the young j jin<l innoeenl girls of some of our| !*.< .-t resi)ected citizens, at the re-1 ■'?'i -st crf eome of the brotheM and j :inTS of the families to whieh • Mne of these same poor misguided ] y<>ung women. i Ffad we uot ehanged our ideas, j

. ? «rould roioice to see some of | t iiose principals ;md tools in thej i ari<l ri<ldled as thef'\ ■ -:erve and :;s thev are served in ] onie other parts of th« world. | We enn pitv and forgive thej : * v»r down fallon woman, l)utthe j \v ; <»tch who spends hiB means antl! iim . and the one who lowers - lf to the hollmh work of Jdebasi-ni;; <lcstroying a wonian's virtue. j nn:yt he horn of aniiiial inst)ncts instead of human nature, and de-1 -■••rvr-to be severely dealt with. ; Our attention has heeu called toi J h ? ;eet through a quarrel bo- \ t v : ; :i young Hawaiian merchant | nad y ung man of foreignparent*S : Tl)(> iatter is married to a j h rn lady, young, handj<omr, nnd ; everv rogpect such a wife' as; " 1 inako a <iorent man, happy I ;nr ' .>ntonted. But so great ig llie I 1 : lt)stinct, whieh this youngj '!» a »i;js inhoritod that he tried to! hi- ;• a mere eh'M. a Btep daught.! < r of ihe Hawauan geaUeman al--1 v; vi< d to and for whieh he was eall- < ' -•) nccount and to whom he had[ ?.itiBfrtCtorv amends for his!< V ' : I i

....... . — —' . ! So degraded is the sense oftioa3r , in so*»e ir.en, tnat thf y are ;to tolerate li;.?ons between toeir I wives and* aome of these biVman i bensts th'at are highly received and ! lionized in our beast societies. If |thē of sand a.t Waikiki I I ,<vaeh c>ould speak it wonld unfold j'a.'mystcry that would <lrive some lia ITiis tiuumiunlly flahUc.T =— | We hooe our article will brstir the dormar t t and moral nature of our c;)mmunity aud arouse them t jto a more vigilant aad posStive | | stand against the bnuaMnstincltß in | mej3tibers of our Tlie ; pnfety of onr hōmt'S are threatenei, | and the vilality of the nation'is seI riously irnoaired by the work of ! these devils m human form.