Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 357, 31 December 1891 — Cæsar on the Rampage. [ARTICLE]

Cæsar on the Rampage.

V'hile Mr. Moreno aud others ; udeavori»g to help the Hawaiby yoice and pen in the TJnit--ti Rtates i)f America ? we are afraid zeal ieads him to be unscrupu-;-'.us in his efforts, and does more ;iv .-v than good to the eauee of *»!• natives. Letters have been >»übiiBhed in the N. Y. World, 'i were roported to have heen ; <ied in hy Mr. C. C. Moreno< and • a«- authorship charged to Hon. R. VV. Wilcox. The historical points in theletter • rul the extraordinary events fori ,sted in the near future of Hawaii nei, however, is a sure contradiclion in itself as to the author being Mr. Wilcox. The restlesB of -1 he* Harwaiian and bitter ene"my of ■the missionar\v in his efforts, if i b". publication of these letters are n aily due to him, lmve done no to the cause of the (lown trodaborigineo. "We know that -Mr. Moivuo's feeling toward his : • 'urjiefi. are-very bittor, and thas hii> posb!h]e h;tve .:; lc ; use of his own i.-;iperfect _. xaowledge of the present state of .*■ affairs and exaggerated it, to ? lenee popular feeling with the \ .<;rieaii Governtnerit in f;evOr of • Huwaiian, whom he ha«3 always «'i*arnpioned bf his own volltion and t'rom a charactoristic spirit of ehi?!ry so r.a.tnral with a European iined as a soldier in his early. to appreciate and take the nart! >1' the weak and oppressed. | Xhe statemenls inade in the leKi • t attributed to be from authorized i v ;itional Leader«, are so tar from j rc truth, that no one here, excei t j " political -purpo?es, . would of • •urse believe llieui. We utterly • - pudiate aoy idea < jf revolution in j !.'• i of the Nalional Party i . : ept tlit peaceful r< volvitiūii i tiirougo the poll«, by whieh they| hwpe to c.irry the vot« s of the peo-' r««e in f;.vnr ot' n mw' constituiiou, j i.n i by 'i r • recon«truetion of the j upun the deai<K*rHtie l vp a» whieh I ho Americnn I i 4 -;(>vernment arebased. \