Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 357, 31 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICE. LADiES wishing their £eathers dved or cleaned and curled ean have it eioee by MRS. WERTHEKN. 10S Beretauia Str«et. LAI)IfjIS wishing to purify Uieir eom* plexion a»d cradiate tan aod froek)es will he instuefced bv MRB. WERTHERN free of ehAiw. 103 Beretuia $treet pn«=t t.ht-Armorv. 317—«!Sm* i I i Pnhlk Noliee. Know all men by tb>s iioeiee that fn>m and aiter tbts date, I have thls day ch»rged Mr. H. C. līlnkoa, from actiag as an &gent, for xue iu aay senBe whatever, m theeharge and admmksration of all my property, aud ia the eoi)ectH»i : of all aoes and rents upon any and all j my e??tate m thie king«MD« i Any one -w lio hok)s oris in poe&e6sioTi any prooerty or vbo has «&y basra«4?si or paym«nts naake, will Umi s»me with me pemomlly. at a»y piae* at Honaakaha, at Honomlo, uahn. KAPIOLA3I. l»er Jo»s. Nawahi, Honolwlu No\\ 3,1891. d-oia. * • THE- PAWPK' NOVELTY WORKS, A» HERĪKG. ProjM TTNDKRTAKES ALL KIKI>J? ' of Cwrving iinl Tarniiig iu Woodsor Ivor\% Polishing or ctW orn. o«otg, fency Fra*« Paintiog, R«|Muni)g and Cl«aning oi Musieal (>un^ Scal«e, and «ny Ligbt M*shmiste and Lock~ Bxiulli6« D»s, Instrum6ate > lfo<fels % eokwde ortkr, ftF Givo m a iml. 13) >Vrt jStoettfinitoiuhi. 345 1M