Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 378, 28 January 1892 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

hoth:r. «LAUIEH wMili» tli«lr Eratlu-r> uv«l pr Hwukh! «b<l fiiriH (im )uiv» it «toM %**»• WKETMEHN. 103 Bert*lan»9 ' LAI)T£R wiahiop to parif T their 4«» aud iwkW* jriil iMU>rt«Ml bjr BfRB. WKK7HKKN the Armorv. a! 7-~dS*n # PuWie Noliee. KBovf ail UM9) hy thl» noiiee thnt froir and aft«r thip 1 have thii» «!i*- , cha«g*ti Mr. H. C. n»kou ( from s»āxt ior iw* in anyi wnw'whA)ev«r : tn therh«rge *mt admiQi#trntion « « »y property. «mi in tae ofalldwsad f«it* upon «ny ami al ny estat*iii thie kiaip&Nai. At»y o»« who ho',dB or is in poaoeiwie» ot wy |traserty or «rt»o h»e any bmlm»ai w P»y»i«tB to make, wili »»BW wfw mf«nondlv: &t ttr p?tt at . «( HoooW, KA?iUUU"I. ilonelwln Ncv 3, 1861» i-īim. THE PAOIPIO NO YELTY WORKS, A. HBR!N(i. l*ropr«»tor. TTKDKRTAKEB f|jt K!K!>S JJ—' «»f Cam«ig am!jT)»rjting iti Wooda or Ivoty, Po!wSTrig ofBhf]}ft of ww omgmentBj faiH*y Frmo Rf»pa>rtng j%»t! C!«a«ii(ir w M'wezk\ InMmm«»nta, i«uos, _ »>wl any l*ijfht Machinery . jßlwtrk;iiini, and l.nokamilha. Oki, Inrtrument*, fet, »«d« to or*!er. a r pfāl 132 F >rt Btrwt, Honololu tf—d.