Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 378, 28 January 1892 — Paul's Promise to [Illegible] Mikade. [ARTICLE]

Paul's Promise to [Illegible] Mikade.

| Tbe Meat Trutt Jotirnal tayt i don't divide pn the quettion of *'Übor and eapilal.** Who Hoiomua pretending to addmt T ls it the clatt who *ive tolely by their iabor ? It mutt be, as tueh adviee | ia not oeeded by Ute Holomua edi-! tor"t emok>yert; the capitalitts ef meat trutt. ; The Jaek its wbo ia htred to br.y for the meat trutt and itt kindred eorporationi, migbt bave ootidei.t€d bit two columnt of boUerdatb into one tentenet. Workittgmen, vota lbr the nomineea.of Um oieat trutt and for Paul Newmao wko i# going to take another trio to Japan for tbe purpntt of fionding ut wUb cheaper labor in tbe intert»ts of Mr. Dillingham and bit frtenda« and don't forget workiogmen that Paol hat pwmiied the govemment of Japati that tbete eooiiet are to bave fotes.