Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 378, 28 January 1892 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]


the voice or thk natiok. To VotereWAHNLKU. Your naue un»Bt be re|ji»lere<J oti tbe li#t ofVi>iersf<»r Reprea«iitative. ! The name only I*»ing on th*» list of \ r oU?r« for Ncrf>lei will nnt e»title the |M*r»on to Vi>te for Rei»iv»eiitiilivex. Kiaiiiiue llie votinf list and iin- , fii#iiUtolv eauae your nume to lje cnt3red on tb« Repre»ienUtive litt by the ln*pector«. Votors for Koblet now on the' Nobl« li«t inuil aUo hrtve their . regitt«red 011 the Represen- , i itive voting ii®t and regiit*r Many ! iiauie* of votera for Nebl'.-fl on the liat pubiished and on the register are not m»w on the Represefitative ; votin« li&t or Regi*ter. { C. X, SFENCER. \ J 20-dīf. Minitterof Interior.! HAWAIIAN SATIONAI. ! Liberal Party. NOHLEB. ; For 6 ff». A. MARQUES. | • C. B. MAILE. • • J. ROBS. 4 4 E. B. THOMAS. - 2 J GAY , RBPREBESTATIVEB. | Wtrd 1. W. H eUMMINOH. j 2. J. W. EIPIKANE. • 3. C. W. ASHPORD. 4. 8. K. -AKI. 5. ā. K. PUA. ROAD HOARD. BAMUEL DWIOHT. BAMUEL MAHELONA. ABR. FERNANDEZ. MABBMfiETINa OF THK National Liberal Party. Ward 3, Wednetday, ian. 27. tt 7 p.m Emma Bqoare, Emuia Ward 4, Thurtday. Jan, 28, at 7 p.m. Old Armory. QueenStreet. : Ward 5, Friday, Jan. 29, at 7p.m. | Reforaiitory 8ch«ol, King Bt. BatanUv, Jan. 30, at 7p.m Brtto« i Hall, eorner King and Bm»th i Street Sunday, Jan. 31, at 7p.m. Maiīoa I Valley. Ward 1, Monday Reb. 1. at 7p.m. Waikiki Long Branch Bath. Tuea4ay Feb 2, at 7p.RU, Eiuma Bquare, E«nmft Btreet. Pkb Obdeb. NOTICE. The Nobiet, Repretentatiyes aod KxeouUve Committeeof th« National Liberal Party are hereby request«d to mMl' at Robintpot Hall on Ba»day Jan. 31 at 10 a.m. t for important botinete. PIK Okpek.