Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — HOW ABOUT CUMMINS? [ARTICLE]


Tbe ii.iii»t?eiitatlan of utiailult«*rated c«»ntained in the p»rudifig #f *ugMr barot» J. A. Gu»uiiiiu» before th** workingn»»»ti of thi» citv. »w a c;»n<l : d4tw for their v<»w» »8 grat»tl. — in it»* peculur Ime, when t»o intiux threAtened to overwh*#lra u«. and drive the nati ve race iuto the #ea and the foreign»»r ; t > other la»ids Ihh candidacy wa« 'e«8 of a me»mo Sife »nd IH>erty. But now, with -hia well km»wn sug;»r ititerestn, ant! ht« »*ntir« de* petidence upoa the «dvi<*e and will of others than hituBelf, — enemieB of free iahor, hia cjuuiidacy he H>meB an insult to lal>or. iin<i a thre»'t to liherty