Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — AGAIN THE COOLIES. [ARTICLE]


\\v cm!l th»» *tt*nti<m of lill workingiti**n. — of nU who arn nppoMMl to th#» of the»p fair a <hit»»i»if»K'groii.ti«l for A»i--<*ooli«»f».—1«» thp nati!« of th* ek» ealliHl "repr<»fent;itive mt»n." whoiM* opinmna h«v» laU» 1 / be<?n «•xpre*#M»d thronjrh th« HnllKin. in f«vor <»£ dragootving the vot»»ni of th#» ohl Rofortn Partv to tti* f»up* port of the combinntion now running tini](*r th«. Nationnl Refonn imme Here a»« Bomc of th«m.— L. A. Thuraton —the b*»«* faiIur«». mtd hen» of th« T>il!ingharti »tock <len I.—the man '*FnH«T." (or ThuriMluv) of Plant*r Bahlwin, wh<Me ae*ttiine:U towardti the working elaiwpii in t«x» wpII ahown hy hi« a.«tn. t > <vtll for eomment. Th«»n there U W. Q. Trwin, who Wy th«» way. it i» aaiel. hi« not *»ven qimlifleil hi r u*#»lf ad « voter. by HweHring t » the «•nn*titutinti. — a man whone §oie iuterefKta lin in the §ugtir induxtry. aiu< who. of «imipw, ia for the chenpHj»t po9tible lahor. whatever »!ae m«v happen. : Then there U that high ppi«*t of the rniaaionarv foi<]. — 0. M. Cooke —a man whu ha» grown rich on the sweat of pe<mā. and whu i? now t!iider*to"d to he emphaiie In hin dem«nd not only for rndi«n eooHea but «lso ior free Aaiatic rlce for ihem «fc> feed tipo»i. He hai an eye to the 'mnin ehp.nee," and ofooitrse will aupport the"|Nirty of eoeap rice »nd chea|»er <*j*liea. ' Th»*n W. 0 Smith. who in hi# loyalty to Uie mis»ionary g;«ng ?>ut. Herods. Herod. a blind nAin ean : aee that hu aupport of the S*atiomil Re(ortn l'«rtv ha» n promi§ing back grotind of cheat> >v>ol : ea and fat dtvidettd« - And ao we ihu§t go on through the entire liat. und so that the aentiment of the mi9aionary augar< baronB in fiivor of the ('uniminiNeumann combinntion. i« a eom* bination born in the piK>kft, and i not in the hcart. It i# a Sttf«* axi<*m. to nb»erve the r tacti<'* attd wiihea of the eneoiy f

. when the enemv adTiaes you to r follow a particular cours*t, it ia al- • waya »afer for you to dec!ine aueh advic« and take the oppoaiU» traek : ao <h thia inalanee, the intereat of , the augar. (that ia theif pecuniary i : intereat. beyond whioh they never look,) ia to awamp these i«land > with indian ooohea. who will work i for nrTKKK c*3īTa a day, The in- ' tereat of all who love the cou»try, 1 a»,d love humanity, ia to keep thoee i hordea bevond our bordera. The » miaai<»nariea and their planter al- • liee ttdviae tbe aona of toil to y»t#» the eummina - l!na - Waterhoiiie* DilHfifham ticket. Vou *ee the point. workingmen. They are aak- ' ing vou to vote for oooiiee and atar- , vation, — for tha4r own aggrandize ' ment, and yo*r min.