Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 384, 8 February 1892 — Reflection. [ARTICLE]


T"hp politiCiil tōurnament is over, and Bo*s Bc»wler'« &ggregation of "refor«n" Noble« are triumphant in Honolalu, not from anj inher ent Btrength that thev po«a«Med. but from the oJd Reform Party. ' The men who h«vc been elected ai Noblee to the Legi«lftture were tbe notuiration of Bom Bowler «nd a handftil of tre«chero»« da»erUr« frooQ the Natio&al B«form Party oflB9o. Thejr did aot oontr«! 100 vote«. The r«toli of lbe eleeUon, b<rwever, bā» proved ibat tbe«olid vole of tbe old R*fcrm Partf <*jHtalated entirely to Bom BowlerHi Ta»maay; and tnat there *re reeUy iwo parU«< il»e Überal a»d ibe Mnhihe latter wearing a twaporary di«gai§e ealled National Eeiwm. 4 Tbe late Morm Party have oovefwH&9eefcree with dbgraoe by tbeJTSMToutVBoM Bowler, and tb«y hiv« gained nothing by it. Lei tbem B(equie»cant) I(n) P(ace). Boee Bowler'« boodler« now hope to enjoy a little temporary power, uatil the real Reforre Party in tbe Legif lature ean recogDise iie force«. The Tammany aggregation will tben be crowded ooi and ibere will be but two pariie« —laberal andßeform. Tbeleader« of ibe reform eongUineeey bc?e ma4e a mieUke. Anr «e»«ible man moei pweeiw ibat it woold be betier for oor politie*l aH«OM 1o bad ibc Mttvo maionijr bfcn Uiefar roproe<iUrtlye« in ibe aeeendeney in tbe oo»uog Ii lMg ten poeakUe «e Hm u>» nemm&m fef Cbe seiiT«TOte tobaTebeeoallied wilb o ooMerratife fereign voto,o«idtbe Bdfam Periy oeed nerer ha*« «eiesiidi s dkgracefol eajāiolaibm io Boee Bowfor. Bot lbek «elf oooetlioitd liftdert, in ibiir pnei fer po#er t €umM ibey eooM <Heintw e reed io a CeWnei uSm throo*b Bowkr'« Tammaoy aod forih#iib «old ooi to tbe Bee«. Tlie Adveriieer and Bulletin witb yiod pi«jodiee introduoed into the immpaign ihe moei •ysiemaiie lyixig aad doworighi of mi«repreeenr tetimi of facte and di«hone»t williAooiioo of tbe ebaracter of the men whom tbe Ltberel Pariy placed upontheir ticket. !♦ inn«t al«o oottfeeeed tbat the < ampaign wes eirot)gly abimated by a di»creditobto He* prejudict of the tMo!e

» | 'h--t ■: *- - UT" 1 .:ny :n; ■•■«•-i''!»*. i' .• r.tr'v w ,; i» tr»e m. ->» -•<' o! !'»''a] 'i's !rj n»i'. H'iiuh'tx'fni"!it cf nr.y < !.}-*■, i>lotlji«*<i to a !i»Uu!V»»ui ui:.i"S;.ii!.ihlo |M'in«'jplo. l>y a puhlio avoW:il tJ.. ;r i »n :•» the intert»t« , of 111 country, >thcy were bftt*»r | fitteii for tiiBintert?te<i L<»gislatons ;th in are lhe nien who have been . | ē»ertwi oti the Nobie ticket. Bom ; j ik>wler tronpe are fimply the rep- j I rt*entatireB ami agent» of n>ono|>o- ( 'liei and truit« who are ifiextricoblv !connecte«i with the plotocr»tic elaM who hold the fack. and na- ' ■ turally pledged to at«ist those in* tereM« as agsinst #11 others.