Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 391, 17 February 1892 — A COOD POLICY [ARTICLE]


Th.it '.i..■? i f ura::eil by ?;inc« !'•' . lle: y dly vl*nq 'Le i':own !.::.;iu? i. «uiiah'.o fur suiiii! :\v.ulntjv a::d r the out of S' t:iv:M. is ati enoi da:\-rai;g st'P..>e iu tl:e adaii.:istra:ion of a ia go port:vn ni- publ;c property. We bope that ker Mt-jestv vrill press those tvno have received iong leases of to restore ttie eanie to her to be used fcr like pui'po^e.