Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That tta tlD4tart§Qߧaf tiha s&§at* meter marks wealhw» aāi is #tillgoißg domit whioh i&dleatas a bliward atnong tbe pooi- ba«ma. That our iailiele on **TranBie&t 1 Nature of the Hawaiian Monar* chy," No. 2. |is unavwad]y leit over ".thiß;:issue.; J That it was veryj unstatemanlike ; for C. \Y. Aahford to bave made ailus:or:B to j h;s opponects in $>o- | cr ~ V'K:;f: | That ;6e P.<-P3:. :at "Feed not ;'fM';oV£r KA| i ( is :n fū]l eomimiii now, and !s on j ueek ell Ihe kime. r.r.d ho:nl!e to j relr.te is wide awake to the m:d-day ( st&lking of <ioc»d]ers and tbe;r pala.

TbatMr. W. H. CQmmingB bfcs been nomiuftt6d by tht Ro&d Bo«rd as Ko&d BnperyiBof for tbiB dift* trict aad ti>at bis Excellency tbe MimBUr of Interior> sacctio&B tbe nominaUon. | V Tbat a crtish »17 be ezpected among aoiae of our bigh-toned eap* italUtBbj t 3t? next i*guliix msil frouo San Fr!mc:geo, that may help 1 togive tbe poor people tbe maubood i 6uffrage aooaer ihaa our.rich friendB espected tbe workißgmen aud poor ; 'people would erpect it. -• ■' • ■■ : That €aptjain Martin of tke !city blauies the Superintendeut of I CustODDB i«) Hawaii, tor plr.cing |bim in a drlemma witb a lot of 'opiuuo on board. in an £ng}ith | port, and under the laws of an Englisb Colony. where justice is not weigbed according to the amoanl of boodii|luit in with tbe strict nierit cf a man*B doinga We ought to have eome of it here. and āome one to admiuister the same ju«tice witb imparliality.

That th«j \Veathtr Bortau at Waahingtou, informa the puhlie here that thei>? will ba no tuora trenty with Hawaii. no aud no in favcr of alave .ia*Mr | on »usar p*ar.tati<»na. Thi# *e?m9 t|p l>e a retrrbtition up* on who hava robbed tae abori|(ineea c|f all thav pk*s*«W iu exchar.ga fofr religiona dvtctfinaa, whieli the bible traders themaelvaa do not ptactic«. Borry. bai wroog | doing iu own re«rard. !

JUl>ldlAßY ]lEFORM«I

Ow3o\tk*»ry >yiti»t and Ood f tjT Protedm»mwrt be»obaiitidtoatW* ro m ti J nhttp el aU mw t ti<iw tr pattwai tM » MMibfet tt the a&4 m aaai»

I r '*' ~" ' ;■ ;->|l /;;V|^ Mj(>*iiiii>r #m*:m*mtāiām : ■& A LO<UL*MOVWBII«iet Si6iifl4li |3£b^£*' £ttß&* wUĒKĒ #f to p^e >nd cfcU*(MUiji <rf ttttß. 18 ftMt» $» paMpi» «tlsati» be wtendrf, when*? tfvii»gk**mieam*y <i*9i» «4» nost impo¥t«at ol tfe*it ltari <JB»e<Hlg» oAwe, aadkvytu«9 tertfct9Qxp<isa heal iffiprovem«tB eia p«ib|ksstefd. PUBLIC.S£EVASm 6. Hetter lAira ahoiUii r«falat*tb6 O vil F Serv;ct. The prmdp}« ol the «&?. tiva ct ofiicers of the |iTiriiil'riHit t2>e 9b>uld a«id bo nun «ho i'.l 10 toIJ mor* thac or.e rf ,-»o£t. r.*hilst falarle« i',y BArvic»B' r«afee«fc- «I".Ni be terU:e*l and ail sia* t-.;:ev 01 siyperSno*a3 o.ncee a-x*lislied. T0 TxIS ULBOUBlX« class£s

9. We sh&īl exi<tar«e all mo&mn te&dic9 to ixpTOve the coaditioa of the WoTkisg elaeeei, aad edugeqty»Btly t vitll» ont in§urf&g any Test«d rights, wfll Advocat« lsws to pmwii all furth«r I» portstkui or MOpkpnmii ei eostractlmbor of «ay ldbd» npoa eo«ditioßt vhkh wQ] briag H iuto s suod degndiiii competltioa witb lree Bsw«i ībb or while kbor» We tball aleo. a theintereBt oithe better pt«te6tte of tbe poor, aak for more ttber*i *ammptiem ei their prot>erty from £orced «h oe eae ecutio». aad froui iiinut iibttknQ>U7 proteedtng* BMALL "FĀRMLN'G AXD HOMK >TEAPH. 15j The wealthy iractio» of osr r«puk» aon hare hiu»erto prevented the de»eiopment olan ;i:āepei:Uent eian of citi2ene; the r.nb:ic lacd» have heen acqniredand havē bee« t:ed up in a few hanna or parrelletl to »uit -iavorītea. and «nai ianeen and i4anter« have .beea dtiTen »ot br «ofpotauon» or coKl»xiatk»e el ca|4talirte: bnt ae nnaU lamine ia eoaiadve totbe etabilvtv of the 6tate, ft shomd pe «Bfoora«id a nv a*d more iiberal HomMtead «ct, bf tMi the onmenhin W umII trecte ef k»d and tbeT nmnmi thmm of hiWn ef o«r preeent popakUoa, end «mw iail *y ol &e a*tlTe Hawailane wbo hav* ! beea Wft >lw«rt homoleee In llwwma riw<kred nnoi lAi tna| end, the Ommmmmi mi Oewa )ande t (in eo far a» eea be deae wi*be«t ipt»dtßC veetedrifihte > Mi teiw«t ed aa soon ae poeeihie to hnnmlimili and oenfmed npon bom flrti frn» el taxes fer a limitad peiM. lt ebo«Ud bethe !ui4her un otgsf«rn» oe«t to, at onee, «o k h»pnyre thn meane ef HamMtrtioß,-4«ad« netien al a»d interaattonol,—ae to provide, in aU the dietrkte, eheep meaaeol eoa«eqy-> ine t'ie j*rod?ict of the «oil to aiarket.

F.LECTO**I, *mUT. 11. We hold tn»t nrr;fht ftod kcn««i aumhoeni, an l nc»t pofta*ffoa ol wt*kh, ārKitrariiy «bo«ki eoeei» th« nght to vat« !or bvbk« «zhl eo «aor» jw«er j>)muU 1« »cvorM to tbe h«Hot of tk neh nta thaa n> tU )«IN o( tho «M». Th« 4liwriiaūMitk«i 1« trar ol 9N)th m«di ia onr CMHMn l> rootmrr to aH th« mlwMm ,of right am* a^UiM&h *d. T6th»«cīd* «• vtU Imn kwol» U» olth*9KMt <U»ti»KtlMl «I twith «m eluiN vkkk IMali «i )m wttlirN|wctoiaw risfet t» tor » btn, Uwf>by wtoi«f t» lbt —lt?i «itQm> %fckfc mMH» lkgr kwhM «»iwt)? iiiiM. - fH»OVK«KT9 1.» w « «**•; isßh >■!■ IWIJ—>« —na» m* «M»e {pPalwm i r»