Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 403, 4 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That tbe Queen Dowager's luau nex t Saturday will be given in the real old naive style. and that admiBsion is on!y 50 eentfi.

That Mahope will t\se bis dredger for extracting <the fertilizer to be found in the Nuuanu stream oppoBite the Chinese wash boUses;

That the Pali has got to be fixed in proper shaj)e and that thu Liheral Pur*v will do their lx?st to get a Bufli«ient appropriati >i» for that purpoBe.

. That the iron feoee to be erected on the top of the Palaee wall is a paltry eheao affdir, &nd that the gate« especia!lv are not a patch on the entrance gates to Bi?bop'B Hou»t m Emma Street.

That in future the Bulletin ehou!d make ita corrections in i plaee where they ean be seen, in tbe AiUy Ball?tin for initance whieh is oeeaaioualW viaible to thc naked about 6or 7 o'eloek P. v But whouver ifei tbe weekly BuU«tint Uive it up, ask us »owe* thing eaev, wiil you!

That the whali mg CapUtßS art comirt#t uhor» dow a da.TB in order to enquire about the prioe of ihe "meehanieAl purpo9es" 9%uH t whieh it to be had a* the 8 Corner Btois».

That the Bul!etin ha* diacftY«red • u». rt> 8 nwt when it Bpeak« of a fight among the Überal Party, and thi t the onlv ftght we know of at the preeent tiiiī« ia betw«en the Mnhopea paper and the ?. C. A. a* to whieh ihall secire the (tov« ernment pap in the c|ming aeMion of Uie Legigiaī«re. 5

Tbat tbe | puabsng drygoodsj houeea koow where tbey get va!t»e i for tkeir mon«y-«e« adverti»iitg' colums. j That the poblic sbed teara of joj on reading the Bulletin*B essay on the yoang A-,| we meaa v Hingiith Tbat tbe dengner of tbe railway» for the Queen'a paiaoe mnat have beei£ Btudying tbe iron gratin t * t |be mn in tbe upper etorj winy ws of Chinea atorea on Kuuanu Bueet. That one ehief eauee wby the Liberal Party ia baled i« beeauae it is againat all truats and mooopolie», no matter of what kind tbey are, and tbat ffawaii nei ha» been and is etill suff>«iDg from tbe grab all policy of greed monopolistB. That a petition was fi!ed yesterday by John Eoee and fifty otber petitionerB, Nob!e voters of the leīand of Oabu, to the Cbief J'JBtice of the Snpreme Court, praying that for certain eaueea therein spocifled the eleelion for Kohlee for the Island and T)ivision of Oahu, sball be declarod in valid, null and void. That th"> 4 'P«>rlorn hope" took over a vcar toyet up his ccnsus report Hboi»t the M.OOO inhabitants on these islands, and that at the sauae rate of progress, H would Uke tbe white kahuna more than 70() yearBjo finish| the U. S. CenfeuB. That if there iR going to be a reduction in taxtttion values tbis year, that it will have to take plaoe on all kind of property; and tbat tbe sugar barobs and taz aBBe6sors will not be allowed a second time to aieet in secret conclave anei agree among themselvc« to a 25 per cent rēduction in 4ugār plantation va]uations, l«ivihg the poor natives and workingmen's oroperty at tbe same old high| figures. That some | folfes have taken Dan's and gone into "diversified induBtrleB.' , Here's a tew of tliem. Riising "trust" meat Pmugcling dope, SeUiHg sandpaper gin un the *lyJ dealing in kiileana niortgages, bre* ding ostriches, divi ng for c«>al, brewing oko!ehao,studving at the har—('uuha'e, stamp c*»llee ting, pimpinp, making dog sausage meat, looking fbr the Beagle rjvereignB, playing euchre. shaving "notes'J at 60 pereent intereet, selling genuine "antique" eunoe, l?»fing on Merchant Street and Bich like.