Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 404, 7 March 1892 — THE POLICE. [ARTICLE]


Under iU pre»ent adniinistraiion we regr«t lo say that thie departme(it ba# beeri ra« lo §uit tbe whime and fanci#« of «w of ber M4jesty's special favorites, and DOt condwited for the uiaintenance of the pubi ic inter*st, or tbe «uppreseion of evil and U vice. One woald auppoee from Ū*e way vice is 4olerated in this citv that the department ie under the patronage and control of thiefs, gambler« and whore raoQgers. fromthe opea manner in whieh it ts perpetrated in «ur mid»t. T«ottery gamee are openly conducted in vioiation o( law, gambling is raaintained in ccrtain parts of the city as a bu»ineeB. and opium 18 allow4ftl to emni into the country under the very eyeß ot the poliee, hacks and haekuien avow that -their- buBiness would go under if it were not for the patronagn of the fashionable men of Uie rity — old and voung — officiale and private citizeng—who pay iarge sum« to them to ensnare wives and daughtere for the grati£eation of tiae beastial passions of tkeee ghouls in human form. But we Me a rift !a the dark douds of official apattiF and eoilneion with vice and evil, when we read of the avidity and persistency with whieh the poliee are made to ride one hundred and tweoty miles to carry out the mandate« of the Mmhal of the Kingdom against an oflGemier. a wirked. characterlegfl inan who hfid inadvertently forgot to uinke return to the governmenf of hie election expenses. Wretched nian, veg, he was :uore than wretched, he \vas vile, because he was a iiberal candidate for Xoble. and had;openly opposed and help ed to defeat a Queenite for Legislative honora. It was a Bplendid oppotunity for venting pent up feelings of animue against a person disliked berause he wae an impersonacion of principle and honor, as contradißtinguisbed from thoee whom he qppoeed and whose immoral and unprincipled lives he openly dete«ted. In thid herculoan effort of the Polioe Department, we have houee that the Agean Btable und«r oon» trol of the law officer of the Crown, will receive a thorough cleat>Bing, and that hfgiiiing with the heads of the g.)\erninei2t it will continue its good woik aiul suppress the soeial vice* and evil« that o!licaldom patrr>nizep and toteratef>.