Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 411, 16 March 1892 — REDUCTIONS! [ARTICLE]


We bel ; ov© retrtr»chmen is neoefffiarjr in all departutcnt ofgoverQaent. and al«o in the nianagement of &U prirate busineBBeB in this «miitry. ītis j«et u mueh the doty of a good oiliien to be thrift7 IB(I iu tbetn>nagemerit Wkb OWn, m it i« Um datjr Uk*t |wmDMil Ml be ooadoottd m MMM Bm; ium! it is eq«xalljr M Ofiaii*al ia l&e mkm«aM«Maent of theoae Mia tbat of lbe oUmt.

lii» a righttbat«Tcry citisen «xpfct« from iU r©preseDtative io th« coiping Legii*lature to make wise #nd judicious reductions in offices and ln.6&laries, and we quite agree with tbe view and sQggestions set forth bv Hawaiīan" in Tueeday's iMue of the P. C. Advertiser. In addition to thereduction made bv the i\ C. Advertiser oorrespondent, we areof the opinion f that a reduction or an aboīisbment of the ehort-hand reporter employed by the court, as he seems to be as mueh employed in private eapa-; city as in his official duty. Any j epeeial use of hia service« ean be| paid for when required. j In addition to what "A Native Hawaiian" «UKgests we would re commend the following changea, Balary of Justices of Supreme Court ($2,000 eaeh 1 eee) 34,000 Chief Clerk 6,000 Salary Bhort Hand Keporter 3,000! Balary Tnterpreter . . .. .6,000 Expenaes Sup. * Cir. Courts 18,000 Pa/ of Portug. Interpreter... 2,000 i»EPAHTMEKT OF FOK«l«N Ar'FAIKS. Salary C lerks 4,000 Sa)ary of Commissioner at Washington . U.003 Saiary Consul Geueral fc>an Francisco. 6,000 Band Flags &nd S»iluUs . . 40,000 INTKKIOK I>EI>AHTMKNT. Chlef Clerk (and acting Minister) . ....... 6,000 Aisistartt Cterks . . 16,000 R< prJr and Furniture Government Uuilding ..... 15.000 Silaries Hurvey Burenu 20,(XK) Kxpenses Field Parties 3,000 Advertising List C»overnment Offici:'l . 200. <-'INAXCK UErAKTMKNT. Registrar of Pub!ic jfbcounts 6,000 HarborMsstēr ... 4,<X)O Colloctor Mahukona ... 800 Kwfx?r Kerooene Warehouse 1,000 Salary I>ep, At. General...... 6,000 Salarv of Sheriffs eaeh .. . .4,000 The Baard of linmigration couid be entirely dispensed with. nlso the vote for state entertainments, aid to voluiitecrs, industml and iieformaterv ScbfH)l, aid to Paradise of the Pacific, the Postal S:ivings Bank. These iteius, including the sAvmgs made in the list eoumerated' by the correspondent of the P.'C Advertiser, would amoniii to between three to four hundred thuusand do]lars biennially to the public purse, a portion of this amount saved. Out in b«»unties for the encouragement and develop ment, of new industries, wouid be a mov« in the right direction, th«t will hring help to tbe rich and f poor and prevent the ex.vdus now on amoug a large and valuable p.irt,on of our population, whieh has cost the government large snms of rnoney to brirg inlo the country. a population that in eoune oi iime would inmaae and aave the iveceseity of buying siaves fbr populaiion and lahorera.