Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 422, 31 March 1892 — That Accident at Makaweli. [ARTICLE]

That Accident at Makaweli.

A few dayB ago we cooixiieoied on a report that (hrto Jap labovm at Makaweli were ii\jured by baadling oxploBives« aod we s&id that men were ordered to e&gage io a daoKeroue empk>yixient tbo h*d uo experience in biasting. Monday's Ad vertieer oooUin«d t«roM* Ur« on tbe Bubjiet, one from ti>e plantation man«f«r wbo tfa«ted Ihe affair as nothing — on)y ooe i&aq slightlv iajared. In the a*me 00* lumn wai an aooount by aod eyewitne«(* fiubstantiatlog tbe origiiial report as to the seriAUs nature of th»- injunef) to three men. Tfce two letter* were eu contradictory that an tniitorial oomment noted the cinnunBtance. Yv*t«»rday the Adverti»er hal' the ' |»ivci«e factB" frona T>r. Sinith of Kaaai, whieh we doubt not are relin'»!e, and aftt*r etaUng that tbe j»er* •:>? injured were "very perivnr«d*' m that kind of work, th»- A«ivertiBer acoount 6hews tHat they i»iust haw known about aa mueh <»f the peienoe of biastiug as a dt)ea about a lt etickfhl n of trpe *nd oommon jQatioe demaodB th.tf a manager who eendg a graen Jfapnu*p* or <iiher unakilied laborer lo n:tudl«* explntiive in htaating ahou u 1* lUbiefbr the man§laughu er w*»ioh followi«. Thi« ia the law in (> ;. r countrie«, au<jl will he heN» as t<»>u a« n»en «>f .Mormon ftri|»»« h(tve leep «av in. mouMitig o ?r lawa, t — =■- \ , • - i