Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 425, 5 April 1892 — Lantern Entertainment. [ARTICLE]

Lantern Entertainment.

■ | The serieB of slides representing the Higblands oi Scotlsnd given in; Kawaiahao Churoh on Saturdar evening waa undoubted)y in point j of excellence the best ever §een in | Honolulu. lt waa simply a delight- 1 ful journey through elaaaie grountl, i, every foot of whieh is rich in histonc lore, and when we say that we had the Rev. Alexander Maeintosh for guide it will be under i stood that everything of interest in j the journey wa§ told at the right time, and in a clear tone of voice, and in entire Byuapatby with tbe Bubject. The eame may be said j of tne views of the great raetrop:lifi. London. whieh were noto.nlv exceilent, hut gav recent representatioiiBi! of the improvenients in Rtreetsandi other architecture. A word of praise is due to the ov>eTatorBi Messrs. Hedemann an ! C. W. Ash-:i ford of the CamHra C!ub, for their excellent manipulation of the optical apparat js whieh was simply perfect. A commeudable feat«re, as an interliule. was a tantatia on the Zither. l»v tUat king of Zitherist«» !'rof. .S<*hiiiidt. Tbe introduction of Scottish airs told with the dans»i men. and the instrument at times h«d xhe creseudo of a grand Piano. The audence tho«gh large was se* lect, and *re thiuk we ean assure Chnrch (roer, that the tobfts"#ochew«'rW;rs not in it. We expect to * > i aiulienee at the next i» Church.