Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 425, 5 April 1892 — CURE FOR CANCER. [ARTICLE]


Harch 34 ldo2. I, George Campton, carpenter, have ; heen a re*>t«ntd of the«e iflartds for the ! laet 14 veari«. In the xear*,Ul9l 1 ««f--<ered irom ran<4r in the lep, atul t(irongh ilie advice ot a mend I had Mr, Lowēll to $eeit. 1 sutfered ihe mo6t exrruci' j aiing pain arul ha« oonfinetl to my l>ed ! for weeks, wht*n Mr Lowe! saw tne and | told aie he thoiight he coufd cure it, anti to my atter a**īoni*hin©nt t in one zxionth : froaa ttie time Mr. Lowell flrst MH£jt it wa*' c«ml. It | is now nearly three monthe ainee aml has all the apfcarances of a complete [ciire. ln three weeks from the time Mr. Lowell Ant saw ae I wn9 able to go about my dtMine*e. Any one deeiring further information orji eall on mt> at 36 King Bt.