Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 425, 5 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PKINeiPLE OF <iOVEHNMKNJ AKD ':ONSTITUTIOS . 1. W« deem all vrowrnmeiit »honld be fonmled on ihe principles of Libertv, Eqiut ity and Fraternity; we hold that all raer are born iree an<l eqnai hefore the law ami are end> wed wHh inalienahle rinLt# io lile, to liberty, to prof»ertp, to the parsuit of happtn*B6 an«l to nelf-protection agiunst arbitrary cencentrati©n >f power, irre&f*>nßible weaHh, aml nn£ur competition. We belkve that ju6t government exitte ouly by the eonMnl <>f the People. and tbat, when it heeome» neceeeary for the pab* lie welfare, they may aboli»h exieting forms ande*tftHssh more advantacwM» and eqnitable 83«tem; and, ae the pw> eem Conetitiition of tbe Hnwaiinn Kia|> dom never has liad the approval of th« Feopl«, but wmi ettnbiiadod bv inUmidatioo 4m4 4raad fw Uie MHH oertnin cl4m, therolore we lavor tbe MkpUoe of n ww and more libvral Con* etitntion, to troly eemre n Qoveinn>Bait o/ the Peopk, the People aad/»r %1m P*opl«. INDEPEHDEN€K OF THE COUBTET 3. Outof oo«widerattoa fortbeinbor«a rwbtB«nd prec«nt oplnione «f tbe naJfre pepnlaUon, we de?eire te relnin tb« indepMMk»ee or theOmntf7and <le#nd its antonomy, ;»ndM n and Ur form ol gov«niiu«at; butoar TreatlM with Foreign PViw»re, and yetpMiall with the Unii«d StatM ol Amerkn, •hoohl be rtviend. eoaato betler M*at preaeat naeeMiiiM and tooblain aaoia oqnitablaftlvantagM in a»rbaigaoltboM frantM) by ne. J UIU( IARY REFORM£ 3. Onr Jml»ijarv eyetnm and Codeof Procednre be enbcaitted to a tboroo«h revtekm. «oae te ascmr« aeheap andprompt admiaisti«tiaaotjastk« v frM of all MctaHan or patkan a»IHt, and ta J«nder th* moM r &Mc4ly ree> Miiaibbtotht People; aad we are in »vor of a more lihwal int*rnr«tation ol imnnt««» oltba fvoadoM of uiai tho pr*eeV

wmmi iiiinw»' <• '' nonoim to hwk ctoonnam T. W«Him i* kt** of i»ißßw | iNjyg oar mU«b pnddBti, lifc* rte», ldi| . woo)« lohoeeo, «le. be wße*EBle< aadaSooHaraßtbetbedaiF«ithe€ioW' In ;.r aoag» lo give jjpitewni»l> raftfattil d«cte evef iAOQrted eßee* , 8. W« • more lifeer*l pel§«y to-, wai^thedSesfefttl«l*niie<rftīwKJ«>r o«t*id» af Oahe; iM » #» ifafair pnpi>tji< «I • s«a«?i for lfe» lmkps««teJ II»? »- sowreeß sad tb tttlMfB «{ iWr «ttti. In lwt, tiM prf*elsi» el kea», i*iowM bc ' w§Mbf gNtestoes&llei»»r «!»«• «I» moitittportwt ottNrfawi 'Min aad lovy tas*e io»th»parpe«o kml immwMle «f * pal&e inM» BMALL AKD HOMS KTEfI>H. 10. The weaHh v fvacttaa ff oor popalavk»o hav* hitlwrto i*reyeated the dey«4op> B»at &iaaiade|>ende«tetees thft paWie lande have been &»|«lrad «md have heēet Ued up >n a few heiide or pan*ell«l to eait favorites, suh! > far»erBan<i i*ian(eve haw beco driv«» »at U? eorporations or cMNAatSOM el capkalMte; bnt ae tMa)t faraiiskff le eoe» i«olve to Ihe elabilitv ol Uie Stote p H ?hould īw euceuraoed b? a now »«d m<*re UWral H<wieētefld act. b* «bek the ownemhip o( emali trecte ef iaad ami 1 the ptttleroent thetfeos el h«iiler. t»f oar prenent popnlatio« .~-a»d eepeekii *y of the native Hawaiiaae wh lm been i«(t almoM in tbete(XMO-try-ehou!d be rradered Mee.bie. |e that eod, the \loveraiaait asd (>ot« lands, ( in eo f#r ae ean be doae wHbaofc invadiBfc veeted r%hte ) ahoahi bt<mi ed«eeooii ae poeeible to Tiriīiiertiinlii and eoa|erred n|xw iwaHMe aaHli» free of Uxee fer a iimited ponoē. It ehouid bethe fnrtheraimut|Eomn»eat to t at oitee, eo far impreve the oieaae of traneporti tion r -~iocai, ei axtd int#raati<mai,—aa to proTtde, ia all the eheap neaae of cosvey ing the prodoet ef the eoii to eaArket. RLECTORAL RIHGT. 11. We hoid that npr%htand hotteet eianhood. «ind Dot the |*wieeator"of veaith, arbitrcrily axed, rtionld iowii the right to vote lor noblar ae m repreeentativee. «ād bo »eee pem ehouW be accorded to tbe ballot of tki rich »%n thaa to the ba»ot of the pooi man. The di»crimiiiatioß in fara of weaith now made in oor Coii&ti*Btie« ie contrary to all ihe eternai piimiplee of Hfht end )netke, andmaetbeabolMked. To th»e end, we will fevor a fevek ing of thopreeent dktinction of w««ith and elooeee which bl«niBh onr iawe with re«pectoftbe riffht to votefor aw» biee, thereby reetoriag to tKo aotiv« HawoUoae wiTilegee wbfeh pertain to the» in their own eo«xitry % and of wbkb they havobeoa txniaeUv dopfi««d. INTERJiAL IMPBOV£»£NTB 12 "Wo fa«or tbo expeedhar» ol eattciont eme to eieeiea an»ber of meeded pnUk improveaM«ate «mOahe aad «tter Idaade; fc*hooi, roileeade aad barbof« aad wbarvofl, p«tete ligbt,ied aieoa thoro«gh syatim el «eaaiiolia H thrwKb-orttfc«otb«rlflia3>de. e. Bett«r toweeboald i«Kalate tho GSyii Bervice. Ilie priaclple «f the «ee> tloe of offieere of tbo Beumnai«it W thepo«ploflho«ldbe«aM'ahad»aadi* maa el»«ld bo aUowod %,« hetd nere thaa«ao«Oeo olpi«fit. wkM «Meo Ukeear¥kee i«ed«r«d. AU «aiwlii» l«H«e ehoald be redaeed oad all eia» cureeor e«perilmi«e iiiim ahulMhei, nemem» TOTHE uuKNmnie enmm 9. Wo afe*n «ad«reo aB meae«r« toadlaf to iaipmo the raedMM «I tbe fit U|j«riaf aay v«etod ritfete, w« wfii adv«ealolawe to p»evant ail faitbor faaportaUea or oeapley«aeat «f iaaatiact labor of aay kM, «poa mMwlHlwn whkh will bria« it iato a nlaam aad degradtag comp«titfoa with tree Hawa iaa or wbito labor. Wo eball alio, ia tho iatefoet of tho bettor «awHwlloa of th« poor« «ak fer woee UŪiil QTe»pii«n of tbeir pt«porty fro» foreodealeoao« oeoUoa. aad froee eenarr ia haakr«ptr|> proceediiig.»