Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 427, 7 April 1892 — CURE FOR CANCER. [ARTICLE]


1 i. Ii Ueorge Oft»tQß, c*rp«atar t invi l>M * rnltalil IkiM l«4adß ior Hm 1aa414 fnn. Mlh»T«r U9l 1 aat» tere<* !nm c«jM*ri»tfe»latta«<l UirNgfe \bfāvi<*<d*iThmdt k*A Jfr, U«tU ! «efei*d tla» &M»t e»cr«ci ftttagp*taMati*t«M«Md |o »y M lor «nki, wto)Mr Uval mv m «m1 tuid m bt ONMkiliiMiU nn h,nd fiO B)T |n «vm mnwth c*ll «i at «t luC 8U

■****ĒĒMĒĒĒ ( . iiftiiAtt' ■' wwpw» •;•':.-' :-.NbSI «i uūuuiii»i^gi^^^ffif 09? m&w.pmluei*, 18» wbo). t#«.' «HB. AMU Ib'MMw| a»d M«Md Sr pw*sr liHff tmā *U» St «ieaik4to mmt, li» its m& <#** '%MK|| tkm* } I» gh*e pwCc»>w>ci6 %& j|Bil j <Web;<iv#; : ; M tWAL.HSi#>ii<ivsmwwg'"'.. ;•£ • S. W«dtttis».*ittQV» nnb ih» M , €o|y* m Mii9r i&aseff§fes $1 ; |lirMflK emm Ibrl%# mmm aaā M '«iMi wtote. Io tact, tfca ,i»f^i9^tl»i r Tntf mi«Mi i iiiiu'iir : "iitiiūi'w ;W gi ving lomliM m? ■&&)s*§& th«r loosi«u«fai|l% oftk?e«f, ami !avy ta»es for tfe» Ī€h a1 im!>rov«Hiei2Ui of » pah|ir 3MMmtr • SMATJ. KAUM»N<* AND lifJ3<# j sTi£ \l/S. 10. Tliev;euithy fractifm o; tmr : .ioii Ji*vōh;t:.« rti» mwvt ufau iti€h*t«?ritfcei»tt'ia£i nilaiil, tt)f> pnH.u* \:u«Jit lmvt» b«ea MM|iilrli mt lmve heen tie#l «p iw m few hm>i(ī« ar t»ArceiWi tō f>clt iMvorit«flt. jind mmi fjiru?ery r.!i»i t4antf»r« Ji;;ve Imwi (lr«fi» »«t hv t'Mri*n*tw>its or eomlnnpiiema «5 tui.i{ah>.t«; Ui)t m h«ihl! i«rmf9iK i« c®»> ■Ukmv<* to iih* of tiw» Sthiev tt f u»»u'd jk» <'U«Hmrt!s£*d btr a Ui'.rt* '.il*Tst l a*rU bv «rhōb t!u» v\\'nemliii. oi «citi«U tn , rts of toad uiui tiiu m ttiejiHnt. tii«rf»mt ol (mnilieK • ( Huri»r»*H-nt it»\#wUt«»tiu!?*peii«!f »y <>( ti:<* !!jitivf llnw'ulian* \vh« imw U»ff <*f« *« l«i thervc<3tt®~ iry-*#ho;?M »H.* rviuhtt*& u<w«.blt'. To t)iHt mn\, :!**.- oum) C r owß i«iul9, iii > fAf a «8 mn be don« witiio<rt invßtlfnx v< «tt*trtght* ) RfatiM b»<le*ot e»i a» ikm» an igmibte to atvl cor.f. rm! īipon ht>na*iyft tf«ttlo3% frt* «*X for « per*td. It »honhl lx» th# iurther ot p&mmiwnt to. at m improre the Bie#n« <*f transpoit* tion,—locaJ, u&Uoa* ai an«l int«rnatitu»»il r —«» to provid« t ia all the fliBtripts, WKup meaiui of eonreyinjr tiu» jiro«l;?ct o£ tliw mii to msrket.

XrCToRAL R!JH»T. 11..■ \\> .hoM-thM npright asd hommi mAnhoo*!. ;ui ut»t jKWM«ioQ «! «rervUl , . f arbitr*ri!y f>xed, ibonid raa|t(* tl»e ri*:ht t»i v<tn* "jpr iiolilhi M9 ««Um «nd no more po*et .elmulil U» aiTcr«li«d to the 1 hftHot the rifh nlm th.in to tlw hnllōl <m* (Ini p'x»i mxn, Th«* (!m (avm of \v*»a!th now iua«\e in w»r C<m?titut!An •« < (mtr«rv 1« »U the ot**rt)Kl pni.-einle# oi i nml ainl mu*t he ' *•<!. To thi«. imml, we wtli i®v ;r a U*vel* iii/ <»f the nr;wnt <!i.«ti<rrtioii''Of \rf:ilth a«i<i .cUum««.; whieh hWmieh mt la*r» Anrh m«»pert of the rig«t to \-ote &»r notlierehy wt»rin? to th® native Hn'.v«li«n* « hirh pertain tcv thvm in the»r ow:i ronntr3r, aihi of whieh they hj*ve heen nn{setlv 4leprivixl.

INTERNAL IMP«C)VEME.NTS 12 the expemlitare of snffi> eienl «nms to eec«re & nu»ber of n«*dcd ppbl »o improvement« <)fthn «nd otber lflaud9: M-liool, mitrQ«d& «nd harhc»« and whama, pohlie light, rad «lsot thon»iigh of rtewvoin nd wat«r-worltB t aot oaW for lioMlahi t thronch*ontthe other lekaeh.

PUBLIC BEHVA2STB. 6. Better l&wa sho«ki ?egiilsit th* &► xil t«erHce. Tbe pHßd|4e «I the ~tion of o(Kceni of the gorenun«*t the shoold be esteh&h«a« n«d ne mn 9bonkl He tllowed te at®re thanoneoflk»of proJH, whih9t odMs sboald bt —mrrimthTi tht«rvk«» m»der«iL fHI mwhiw «H aii» PEOTK€TIOK TOTHE UIOOIOIO CLA»eiB

». W« ah*B limi mmmm t«PdlMf lo h«jjyr» Mw n« Mi