Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tbat for glorifving a iuaiTiag? and the dead. pieaee apply to the Bulletin. aa that paper hu ri£ht to joy with tbe living and die£emble witn the dying. -

T!iat einee the losB of thebenefitf to our sugar intere3t, un<ler the McKinJey Tarift' Act, H. P. Baldwin hne had a xnorhid desire to per« sonate the life of aueh charactere as "Hanian." attributable no doubt to diBappoifetinent, at thelossof the gift whieh the U. S. people gave to our sugar planters oy whneh false hope» were entertained of aocumulatin* thinga where moth eat and rust doth eorrapt. i

That the lam«Dted death of Geo. &*lftichardaon a vaoanoy in th« Circait Judgeahip of Maui. Tliat it hat been eomnoii talk for 8»e w«ska past, that hla sooo«e* sor ia alraady kIooImL That aueh haste in the aakoUoo ol imooe—ori living officiala> in aaiioipaUon ei their demiae« i« bnt nonethelew ehaneleHalie af Uw pvtBent rsgime. Tb&t the immm mhom Daae Ramor mhmi «b w*k •oeeeam* ia noltifora jodkaal poaiUon, heeaoae of hia pa* and pewni eonnae&ion nHfe opiom ft»«da and paMm. 1W if the go?emmant perM ia appointing him, they aay tfpaet to begr eomething Orop. # That whik waa fiUinf> ly riptiwi|gd« in Qpndhttry > a oan* t«U at the Mak«wat*Chnrch, u Mor» V, : ! I ■ I

d*em"waa stalc& aa weii by Mr. Dickey. We ean inM#«e the sa£iBfaet£oa, inbern a» an actor, that lit up tbe eountes»nee of Mr. pieke? as u Mordeeai," afler having suffered aad roUed in a*bes befora the Paiaee oIA hmmmuh to »ee hie •nmy Mr. Baidwin, h&agiag b? the neck f mtb ten of hia itin&B. wpwmiim u Ham»n M &nd **hie tsn 1000." fyajcei «MUBdkHiMedly very UfeMke ai*d weil p*e»ent» ed. MauihaBtaieatBuithi»rc»pect that wouid go weii wilh Thsrstoxk : B pa»orama bf KllMMa, to beexhibited «I tbe Colmbkb Pair; «aeae and j>etorB da»oing in Sboraing lake to«iH draw weii. attraet xmn tooritte to oor iBianda to aee the mer 4 •* and laa» toral phenomenaa of th% * m|do<D.

That oor liUle eountry haa, ad* vanced aaore in faehionable etvil* ized li£» in the paat fow weeka> than at any like period be&te. if judged by the number of murders« infanticide, »uicide, moeklohe, burglaries, «c accidental deaths, *c.