Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 February 1891 — PREMIER OF TONGA. Rev. Shirley Baker en Route to Washington. [ARTICLE]


Rev. Shirley Baker en Route to Washington.

* STrane« Cj e«r «f aOae* €«lc*irīu«l4i Enel'ali»l«: " -;»!MWWWT» Shirley Baker has been Be«king deep quiet and sblitude since hi» ariiv»l in the ēily a few daya āgō. īvav. Mr. Baker eime here as pass4ager no the new Āuatrali&a at©amj»hip Monowaii. H© imiQediat«l}' j took apartmet)Lts in an uptown holel and has sip.ee been scarcely Tisibla. He is in poor he&Uh, suffenng frqm shaUered nervea and a geneial bre»kdpwn in this constitution. j Mr. Baker's career reada like a Iromanee, and be is to-day a very |wealthy During jjlat«r years he has posed && King of the Tonga islands but f in reality, was Premler of the South. sea GovArnment of Tonga. His :kindly eareer waa brought to a sud;den terinination aoine months ago by Sir Jobn Thurston» the Oommissioner ol £ngland for the South Pacific. rSir Johu not oxxly plaoed Rev. Mr. ; B&ker out of offioe<but deported hia» to Auoklaiid. New Zealand, on Her Majeftty's aian-of.-war. Eap.id. From Aucklard EeT. Mr. ĪB&ker eame direet to !Ban Francisco. The Bev. Shirley Baker sustiūns the reputation as l>eing one of the greate«t of mordern inissionaries. opon his ftrst appoamnee in the Tonga islands he ingratiated himseH the aatlves. and wīth a atrong will power lkud wiih the aid of his superior intelligence asserted his incUvidual'tj-; His cunniug and alevai*»<l him to a positibii in of Ihe, of aad ,as a reault he became both poweifnl and >veaHhy.

Baker at one nearly controlled the entire trade of the Touga i«>*nds; and the Neit Zea!;uul finu whieb he repr*seuted 'paul lil>«r.U!y forihe pr»vilegea whieh he a<cot\led i th<mv Then liia ehutvh in Ei\g\and oup«ll«d Uia, but, daunt«d. H« «et up » religion of his «wn npon the islands and etery native to embr«e« hi« new faitli und«r peualty of H<nug e:;iWd from the islauds. A amall religīo»vs wai eusued.but Baker and his followers ea&e off vickvrious.; As soou *s he »-eoovors hk healih auiHeieulH' to taabU h ; iu to travel Bev. Mi . Baker T»iU ie4va for Wash , [