Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 February 1891 — HE KILLED A WOMAN. Lepez Hanged at Santa Barbara. [ARTICLE]


Lepez Hanged at Santa Barbara.

- V I ■1» TicUm K«i>eil«d au ( «fcot Hir BoWa aaī Wa» TrLed aud , f «*««»< Wlth!n « Hnn- | , . <n4D»|> Bant* Barbara, Jan. 26,— Ramonj !t»o|>eg Vas hanged hore thi§ for the ranrder cf "M;iry Pesiwllo on' Oetober *20, IS9O- Tho exeoutk>n , took plaee in the jail yaro. iu the pre ■ scnee of sbout 1?0 people, The' | arrangement« wevo all pcrfeet and! th# exeeution was couipl<3tely sucee&sful. j Ix«p<w slept weU Ust night Ku.l {tus" mom?ag «te s he:uty bee«ctC«Ast u-.u;, exhilnt«id no sigu* of oinot\on. He' ! fas»we!l to his motKer and l>rO-, | ihex the aight before» andhlsoi%: att«ndāi>t to-d*y tlie par!s!t' prie«t. | At n o'ēloek a Hitle ptoeessiouj issned from thē ]a!l door, Lope* and th* prie«t in the lead. Tlie d»omed] 1 Wan walked f\nulv A nd t\e!d a oruov ■ io his bre»?{. Ue mtvoat , the gallows stepj; V lt!iout assi*t ' anee anā nevor qxuverod or ehangedj countenauco while the fatal Jioose was adjustod. Fathor Campioaa, who accoiui>*nied huu, the cro>sid briofly» aay»igihat Lop«s had .<~*ked hiui to that ho aeknow v d*jeu hts eiiuiē aud lliai hiis p\mhh .;u o,; Ai 11 aH o eloel thv gav«e the *nd the pr«

oner was Lasteno(i īnio . īlia ueek was broken witli Asatb vra.s iastantaneous. H©"jiey«, iaoy©d a Lnuscle. norwas.the faintest qaiver or movement of _tlie boLj perceptible. In fifteen īninuiea tlie body | was cut down and taken to the nndertaker's and will b© boxi«d to morro\v. ' * ' "LXiopez's eiime was a paitiouīaily atrociou3 one. Ee forced hil attentions on Maiy Deslrello, ay.oun and tiighly respected for raonths peraecuted her wltli Jiiti adtances, •whieh she rejselled. §k« was engaged to be married to a young man in San Prancisco, and on October 20th, shortly a{ter of her engagement, Lopez called hsr dat of a neighbor's house. and after demanding an elplanatioii from ber sbot herr tHrougli the body. As sbe lay dying on the ground he stooped ov#r her and, witli fiēndishj mftlignicy, fired ehot after ehoi ini© lim *»<%. y The erime aroueed a treoieiidōns pub!ic feeling and a Tigilance'eom- , rnitt-ee . was formed to iang him. The Sher'flT burrīed" the pris'oner to Tentura, and as he wās not safe j fhere, afterwārd . to* Los Angeles, where lie was tej)t a monih, wlien lie . īras brought bact to the ja.il here, . 'vhich was strongty |orti£ed. He waa • tried in Deceiobei\ His defens« wai ■ aggrīiYation of Uie crime. He de- , olared that his 'Tictira had been crlt )niiially intimate wltli liiui, wliieh. [ clearly proved to be false. He - 'vas convicted aftor a trial lastin£ a j weeli, the jury on!y be,ing ōui.īen . ininutes, His qrime, trial and exectt" ī tion all oecnrred. in less than 100 ■ duy. • , . . v