Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 39, 29 September 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


•- Jrmir. 4 j:} dnys frorn San Fnn* r • ; i-i a very si:anty nmounl of news. ! , , r howt-rcr, 1 ike our pct Honolulu ! \ :o the rusc of directing our ,•« •>, iī)oth<'r eolumn," We with .. k.-i in that •• other eolomn " and } . ■•: - phraso, didnt ste it. ! • ■ r- by wctl wishes to , < J - •. ! j.rMsp"rity °I* *he United Stntcs. j |l. ~r <■! ihe Chief .Magistrate of the j P' ,N 1 1 << n wi!l prohnhly eall forth so | || • :ind honcst sympathy, frorn a | || 'in l lnrger part of the j Ē; ;.uit ond outward ' K< !»'ii t i»Te will be, but it must be ! ||. .r. i t hr»t the people, whoae princip!es j »u'.- • l»nvc been defended to the j p; - i:Ue war, nTe truty represented » ir ., and the late eonAiel t>etween jj|'- v, :• tit atid thut body w 11 1 not be for- ® Fr..m Wc»klj Dullctin, 1. I j\ incricafi. { |k'!:v;to.s, Aue. 2S —The Presidential j p i p»riy l»*ft at 7:!H) a. M., undcr j g|; .Mt*Cullum, lnte Superin- j p : < f Mi\iv.uy Rnilro;\ds. The m of the PrcsideiU, ISecretnry | jj§r' S rr- t \ry \Vells nnd wife, Postina.s- i |£ • lv ui<!all, (ien. Grant, Uen. Kawltns, j 4 l'a rrrtu'i(, lu?ar-Ad«niral iiadford, | jj| ,'i• • ii'"r.i 1 Harnes, Minister Hoinero, %■ r r.iti' r>()n and wife, and others. lA'.rv M«'Culloch aiul O. H. lkowning |i i; 'I m' ii'-pot to take leave of the party, §g: imahle to nccotnpany thein. li -miik, Autj. 28.—0n arrivino: at th'* excursionists were met oy a 1> :!.■'• ( f 10 citizens, with the Mayor as || iiini \vrre vscortvd in open īi • >> to the l'resident street depot, to : r l'hilailelplua. Lnrge crowds were tr !. huih nt the ruilroad stntions in |i:, t<' niul on thc line of the procession, (t i view of the distinpuished party of r i ■.rll-I s, who wer<' greeted by the wavV, iiais nnd of handkerchiefs. with oeeai: t -lieers. (ien. Grant and Admirnl vvere particularly objects of observI, Miul r»'ceived enthusiastic applause. li,- t!i<' Ime of the procession flaps were r.l y displ.iyed. Tlie President's tiain >rre at 10:120 A. M. I !M>r.i.rHtA, Aiip. 29.—The President's arrived at 2:1 Ur. M, After the recep!ie [>arty proceeded to the Continential • <iovernor (>f the scveral Northern s will either themselves nttend the •nt "n of Smithern Unionists at Phila!i.\ m pi»r>on. or will send delegation to I oii b'.-hn!f of their BtatCs. | :r u!:ir from Postmnstcr-Gencral Ran- i • .•irculatini7 anlong all Federal o(licc- { r<. !>i<; nnd iittle, cntciroricaJly demandI: ir views, nnd a great rnany indiirnant i rs have U'en published, followed by i;i! ilecnpitation. i." Treasury Department has received a ! .'ii Harin«j Brothers, England, for XII,the proceeds of the sale of the •' !crato privateer S/icnandoaA. i " oholeni statistics of London sho\v a » t>e iu denths. i .MiMMiAM, A\ig. 27.—The R*form de>:r.uion to-d;\y was an immense success, pivsed oll' without disturbancc of any I The platfortn adoptcd favors the res»ai manhood sutlVMge. An address will 'ivered this evctiitig in support of the f TIU. ;knna, Aug. 25.—P. M.—Thc Emperor i s Josoph has determined to strengthen i-i>ipire us well as his hold upon the ufTec--1 l luyaliy of his subjects, by gninting w Constitution nnd Min»try to liungnry. i i uu<uticed o(Kcially that a ne«v Ministry be formed for Hungary, upon the •' <>f the Constitution granted to the iy >rs in JSIS, the revocation of whieh '.'"• causo of thc Hungarian revoluiion iiit year. kAug. 21.—7'h0 cabinet policy • r '- that thc hostile attitude mainiaineel ?•'•is the Govemmcnt of Pr«ssia by the ol' llanover. the people of the terri- ' the Klectomte of HesH% Nnssau, and >»te trce City of Frankfoit. has determg Prussian Executive nt onee to de* y t!icir itulependLMice and nnnex them to tlio Kingtlom of Prussia. corrcspondent of the Loudon Post 1 have inlorm«tion ns to the object of Carlotta's visit to Paris. It is ' t:\ui a release froin the obligution of 'i-K what i« due to Franco out ol the proLs of the Mexican Custom-house. The 0 f the insurgent (Republican) have greatly reduced their proceeds, are now confined to the port of Vera '*• The Mexican Government requires, \ i'ie srrictest economy, $500.000 month- ! r ns indispensable eipenses, and for 1? time past it has not been in the receipt than two-fif(hs of that sum from the The Hnaneial condition of the *»\*an Government w thus rcduced to the t »bb. &n nrtic}e in the address &tates that Pruswdl take steps for the incorpomtion of *onquered North-Gennan States wiihoul «y. from the !slnnd of Candia*say 1 the Christian populalion have demanded /tieasures of feform from the Turk»sh whieh being refused, they had * n in arms and displayed the standnrd of ' rroteciing Powers. The Governor treats } as rebels, and had sent for a ! of Turkish troops. There had s ® ,n e fighting, and the dnited States f ,J suj had su?tained damagc.