Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 37, 11 September 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

Kast Maui Peuiale.'Maiinau.

Mf. : Aī thr !;t'C-raj 10 tbe iunJ for «?Mn»;;>hir-L' t * * e Fen:;aieis£.uinary, an'l your 1 gcnml'y, wiii be de?irousi of" vvhat Mcps have b"en Laken, hy fhe Boird o( Tru*tces appoinird to Mke ch»rgc of the fonds (oward* b<uj{ding up the In;>tīcutioo, I feend you a copy ot the Caarte/ whieh hds hx:cn grant€!J K<y th»;* Governm<ait, aod .īhe record oi the proce«din' b r s at the fust meeting. Tbe Tru3iecs having r?ceived ?heir Charccr tnet ai the hous? of Caf ?. Thos. Uohron, Makaw.io, on Saiurday, Sept. lth. The f<<!lowing oflicer3 v,ere chosen.—Kev. W. f\ Alc-xand*r, I*re£ident; Mr. £. baiiey, Trcasurer, Dr. C. S. Secretary. Thc qae<:tion for consideration hv the K*r ■i \\a< the loealion for th.r> nt\v Sernin iry. A j ropo>:tion w;is r».< eivtd tor ita heini; at Haiku. and othersitv> w",v suj;i.'?*sted, but a!t«.-f .-'••>m'Ml:scu>si«n it ar!,vjismous'v dei to h'is;d t!;c Svminary ;:t Makswao, on tne «;>-.»t w?iero stood tno oid Son»iaary iate!v 'ie*-"frnvv«i f»v fire. Mr. An U ;\vs made a tno~t liberal o(]tr ot thv i ind, iM acres. with uii the iir>provemeuta ns they no\v si-»ni, to Ihe I>o;ird, and the 'i'reaKurer was invtruct-'d tu .secure a (!eed I'.t th" same, lt w;is r«-. < :olved to ltm!t {ho nuii)hi'r of pupils to ŌO, and make our p!a»s !or building ior the a.:.eomfnodat;ou ot that numbor. Mr. Hajley nnd l)r. K were apjK)inted to draft phnn lor a bujldir.L r with est»mnte &<\, and with the advi«;e ofthe Pre--M*-nt t ••« all n ( >f 'rrustees to be }i<iid«:n «t Wailuku nfter such plana are comp!eted. Ti>e Trustees while not unmindiui of the prcuniary »'lforts that havebeen rnade for the Instnution, ttiil ieli it itnportant to ?olicit fur!her ;»id. The amount on the sui'scription paper now in the hands of C. K. Bishop, Esn., of Honolulu, is about Sl w 7OO. On Maui a paper now in circulatiou foob up just about Sl,OOO. Aii Institution that wlll iiiect thc wants of the commuuity eannoi be put up without a increase to the funds on hand. C. S. Kittredoe, Secretarv.