Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XL, Number 48, 28 November 1902 — Billie Due in December. [ARTICLE]

Billie Due in December.

Instead of being overdue, the bark Bill!e really has another month to stay | at sea wit,hout making her agents here anxious l'or her. The Tessel is out about 160 days from Ha-mburg, but it seems that after leaving the German port she went to Leith to flnish loading and did not leave the latter port until Julv 5. so that her agents do not expect to see her before December 1, and pos' sibly mueh later, in case she has ha(l a rough passage. . + Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is lntended especially for coughs, cold«, croup, whooping cough and lnfluen«a. ft has become famous for its cures of these dlsenses over a large part of the civlli2ed \vorld. The most flatterlng testimonials have been received, givlng nccounts cf its good works: of the aggravating and persistent coughs it has cured; of severe colds that have yieldedj promptly to its soothlng eftects, and| of the dar,gerous attacks of croup it has rured. cften saving the life of the; chlld. Th* extensive use of it for whooping eough has shown that lt robs | that dlsease of all dangerous results. It is especlally prlzed by mothers because it contains nothing injurious and there is not the least danger in givtns it. even to babies. It always cures and cures quickly. AU t3ealers and druggists sel"» lt. Benson t Sinith & Co., agents for Hawali.