Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XL, Number 48, 28 November 1902 — BURIED HIS FRIEND IN DEEP BLUE SEA [ARTICLE]


Few sea captains entering this port are better Hked than good hearted Captain Ames of the freighter Tam-i pieo. Biit Ames is not bimself this ; time. ,He is all broken up. In Seat- : tle one of his oldest friends, W. B. Maxwell, a wealthy business man, wished to make the trlp to Honolulu with tbe captain, and so the obliging skipped grav© him the fea.thered and easy job of purser. | All went weli for the flrst flve days of the voyage, «nd Carptain Ames enjoyed his friend's company. Then on the evening of the next day Mr. Maxwell |fell down tbe companionway leading from tbe Captain's offlce on the bridge !to the saloon on the main deck. Mr. »Maiwell was not bruised, but despite ; the most careful ,treatment that could ' be giyen an'injured man, he died the ! next morning. i Then Captain Ames, with tears in bis ! eyes, superintended the work of stor- | ing his friend's body away in Its canvas > r>f„wicr!L blowyp.g» ~T)Ms & ' 1 • u " " ? l ■' - i i i! : | . i; ; i * s