Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XL, Number 48, 28 November 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BY AUTHOR!T: !N thk ru;:*riT «.'!Il | "TiT ' IiAWAU Atv=y r--" T>»« tu-\vy Th • r .i v . k' ".- Tenr. Sur " Div>.v-ce. Thf Tt rri* t; t v , ' H.t .. T%> th- Hiph S':v~ of Ha,x- : : >.»? o' « 'sj!r.{ Yi>u ;ir»» c»»msv u ,rv-i< .'. . T»h\ ne!ev Th-»rndy N» K< ar>f. tn c«ts»» fu' sh;*':l wilhin f h» v nty ia> s a'?» : t.> lv» un«l appvjvr W? ■?■- t-uit <\>'jrt rtt th«» N -V' !: of. t«> h' 4 h»i|.l« n nl H > t»jihu, M«»n<iay. t'i> \i-n hfi- t.ox*. at U> sh uv aiu*. 1 uhy th«J <.>.<*»> phim' Frvn -!k piiiin* b».' ;nva»-.!«Hl t > h» 1 * 1I :»»nor of her ann-x<*i I.ib« < An i hav»> vou th-n th• I v\lth full rt-iurn <>f y n,: I th« i re«m. Witnos* H -n. J. T i' , Ju<ifrt» of th4» Or« utr ' i j Tjrcuit. nt Honolulu. thi- » , vU*tober. 1902. tS!fr.) J. A. TH"Mi« Tht» foregolng i* a tru«\ i ful copy of the oriirinal pu:- ■ i cause. and it l» hon'h)- . , »aid eauae \\»k c«>ntinu« t ' i ruary« 1903, Term of s«i>! < in the meanwhile puh!, .1 • uummona be nmde :i«.< «>! i; _ Witness my han.l th:< : November. I!H>2. HKNUV >V Clerk Ju'li< i;«r> 1j . 24X9- «tF MORTGAGKE*S NOTI«T ! TION OF FOlU:<l."OF SALE. Notice is hf»rf-by Ri\-!i " to the po\ver of .«al»» «or , certaln mortf:nKe dat-.| v made by Rof»aiU- A ,\n : .•* - Thos. L. Andre\vs, <>f H : of Oahu. Ternt«»ry <f H.i gor, to ElizaWth Mu:V and reo«>rd«-d iv. th — {■:>>..-• Oahu, in llb« r 131. » • whieh said nu-nnnK-- • >- ed on the 9th day <if M»> ' Elizabeth t > Wi;; , Mary S. Parker and H- n: . Tru»tees undt*r the \mK ' v. 1110, deceaFed. whu h m i ■ 1» reci»rded In t?aid l!ber 131. pape 151. *.»id T: der the uill of W. i\ Lun,. lntend to forei.i<>jM» k.i; ! ••.-••. c»nditlon brok*»n, t>» w t ment of principal an \ due. Notice ia likewi»<» rlv> r! • ' erty c<»nv»>y*»d by th>- v i 1 be sold at publir au< ti-r; roomā of Janu*>« F M- • #treet. Hon«»lulu. »»n Sji? i day of Deeemh»*r. I'."»'.' > noon. The pr<»perty i .v»:«i gnge consii»t« "f all th. - or parc«flB of land tu;* Bide of Y'>unß ir; • known a« lots< I' nn-i <J ian Government Map ' and bounded and d« 4 «< i ■ at a p>»:ru • side of Younjsr wtr«»»'t 34* the N. corn?r of Y'«un«r t ku Btr«»«ts, ar.d runrilv.K in»»: N. 21 1 12' E. 14« 9 f<<*t > N. «8 S 4S' W. 100.0 !"* * and D. S. 21° 12' W. 14«.9 f»>- t < S. 68- 48' E. 100.0 street to the init!al p.'»»;r Area, 14.690 J»«juar- ī' ■ ' «aine premi»e« d» <w r .h- ! tent <GranV) No. 3".2>. T - the rtghtH, ea*em«nt.». appurtenancet» th»-r.<r < ':•■■•' Term» C*iBh. I*nit»*<! <" I>pe<lB at ihe expent" ' For furth«r j»artlruUrf iU.m O. Bmith. Jud-i t lulu. Dated Honolulu. N"vWILLIAM « - HENRY WATf Trt>st**s und»r th* Wui ' Hlo, deceajw»<l. 24»~Dec. 2. 3, >. U ' ' 3£37~N0v. 3S.lv>.