Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 7, 1 September 1984 — OHA Board Declines to Seek Court Action on Ritte Status [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OHA Board Declines to Seek Court Action on Ritte Status

The Board of Trusteesol theOfficeof Hawaiian Aflairs at a special meeting held in Honolulu Aug. 17, and eontinued on Aug. 20, rejected a proposal to ask the courts to decide whether Walter

Ritte should retain hisstatusasanOHA Trustee. According to state law, a person sentcnced for a fe!ony may not hold puhlie olliee. Rittc was convicted in May lora

felony violation in connection with a night hunting incident on Molokai. On July 10 he was sentenced to five years probation. a one year suspended sentcnce and 2,000 hours of community service. The majority ol OH A's frustees have stated thcy agrec with an attorney general's opinion that the law clearly applies to Rittc. But two others elaim the constitution is silent concerning under what circumstances a trustee may be removed and who has that authority. A proposal to ask the courts to make a detcrmination on the matter failed to win support from a majority of trustees at the special board meeting. However, l rustee Hayden Burgess announced after the meeting that he, Ritte and several others intend to file for a deciaratory judgement as to whether a vacancy, in fact, exists. During the meeting, Board Chairman Joseph Kealoha asked the trustees to submit, as soon as possible, names and resumes ol possible candidates to lill the board vacancy. The law requires that any vacancy of this nature be filled within 60 days of its occurrence by a two-thirds vote of the remaining board members. 11 the board fails to act within that period, the governor is mandated to name a replacement. Kealoha announced that the vacancy will be filled at a special board meeting on Sept. 10 at a plaee and time to be announced.

!Members of the ()ffice of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees ponder question of Walter Ritte in this scene from recent meeting. Starting at top of photo and reading from right to left around table are ( hairman Joseph Kealoha (with brief case), and fellow Trustees Hayden Burgess, Rodney Burgess, Ritte, Piilani Desha, Rockne Freitas(back of head to camera), (.ard Kealoha, Thomas K. Kaulukukui and Moses Keale.