Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 4, 1 April 1987 — Ellen Kalahele Heads Queen Emma HCC Choir [ARTICLE]

Ellen Kalahele Heads Queen Emma HCC Choir

The Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club choir elected Ellen Kalahele its president, and Betty Wheeler, secre-tary-treasurer. Phyllis Chan is the immediate past president and Debbie Kelsey is choir director. All five make up the executive board. The choir is currently involved in a fund raising and membership drive. The fund raiser is a tentatively scheduled dinner May 9 at St. Stephen's Church. The membership drive is for more men singers but more women voices ean always be used. Those who want to sing at the November eonvention in Las Vegas should make commitments now by attending practice. Another club fund raiser is scheduled for Aug. 1 at the Momilani Recreation Center from 5:30 to 11 p.m. lt is entit!ed "Hawaii's Roaring 20s" and will include costume and Charleston dancing contests, gong show and karaoke singing. Everyone in encouraged to dress in his or favorite oldie costume. Charlotte Cathcart and Edith Rahe are in charge of food with Peggy Arciero and Shirley Kamakele handling the program. Rawleen Fisher and Rawvern Kaluhiokalani head the mood/decoration committee while Betty Ogata and Alex Kali are in charge of publicity. Additionally, Charlotte Cathcart heads the ticket committee. Officers of the Queen Emma club are Betty Ogata, president; Shirley Kamakele, vice president; Rawleen Fisher, recording secretary; Flora Oandasan, corresponding secretary and Charlotte Cathcart, treasurer. Lila Medeiros, who currently is president of the Oahu District Council, Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, is ex-officio member and Elaine Mullaney is president emeritus. The board of directors includes Mary Louise Kekuewa, Paul Kekuewa, Annie Kini, Ellen Kalahele, Edith Rahe, Peggy Arciero and Nona Frank.