Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 8, 1 August 1987 — OHA Volunteer Finds 'Luxurious Sensation' [ARTICLE]

OHA Volunteer Finds 'Luxurious Sensation'

"Never have I been rewarded so mueh for doing so little. I have a luxurious sensation of being spoiled." So writes Eva Robinson on her feelings about being a volunteer for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. She eontinues:

"Working as a volunteer with OHA has given me immeasurable amounts of satisfaction in terms of kind appreciation, a ehanee to leam new skills, practice old skills, become involved in Hawaiian culture, made aware of political issues and initiated into the legal process. Most importantly, 1 feel the spirit of Aloha. "For people who have interest, perhaps some dormant talents or unused skills, and for those of you out there who like to work together for the betterment of a beautiful people with so mueh to leam from, for those of you who have energy, time (a little time maybe?) to join the people of OHA, you will experience the joy of working together for something good."