Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 December 1987 — Akaka Gets Leī Hulu Mamo Award [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Akaka Gets Leī Hulu Mamo Award

Hawaii Congressman Daniel K. Akaka was honored Nov. 7 by the Hawaiian Civic Political Action Committee as the first recipient of the Lei Hulu Mamo Award at a gala dinner banquet in the Queen Kapiolani Hotel's Akala Room. More than 130 guests and elected officials attended the affair whieh climaxed a week-long observance of Hawaiians in Politics programs spotlighting Hawaiian issues and the political arena in tribute to Ho'olako 1987 : the Year of the Hawaiian.

It began with an oldtime political rally Nov. 1 at Aala Park and was fo!lowed throughout the rest of the week by a series of conferences and symposiums at various locations. It was the first attempt by HACPAC, political arm of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, to spotlight Hawaiians in Politics. The selection committee noted that Akaka truly represents the spirit of the award, observing that the Congressman's dedicated career in public service began as an educator with the Department of Education through his eleehon to Congress since 1976. He currently serves on the powerful House Appropriations Committee.

The Lei Hulu Mamo Award was created by HACPAC to recognize and honor an outstanding individual of Hawaiian ancestry for a lifetime contribution to politics in the State of Hawaii. The significance of the award relates back to the reign of King Kamehameha I. His eloak of rare mamo feathers symbolized his wise and fair rule. And so it is that Akaka's Lei Hulu Mamo surrounded his shoulders with eaeh feather representing and recognizing his fair administration of laws and demonstration of compassion and aloha for all the people of Hawaii.

The lei was designed and created by Ethelreda Kahalewai of the Royal Feather Company ine. whieh is dedicated to the perpetuation of the beautiful art of feather work. Royal Feather is one of Ka VJa\ Ola O OHA' s regular advertisers. Banquet chairman Charles Rose was master of ceremonies and Benson W.K. Lee Sr., AOHCC president, gave the weleome address. Fred Cachola Jr., HACPAC ehaimnan, and Lee did the honors in presenting the lei to Akaka.

Entertainment was provided by Aunty Irmgard Aluli and her Puamana Serenaders.

A eouple of o1dtime Hawaiian political names are reflected in these signs displayed at the Hawaiians in Politics program Nov. 1 at Aala Park.

K.K. Kau Manua, erstwhile political campaigner, promises everything to his audience in this Aala Park appearance for the HACPAC oldtime political rally. Entertainer and comedian Kent Bowman portrays the perennial political figure.

State Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs President Benson W.K. Lee Sr. ties Lei Hula Mamo around neek of award winner Congressman Daniel K. Akaka. Fred Cachola Jr., chairman of the sponsoring Hawaiian Civic Political Action Committee, looks on.